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Item file enquiry, Warehouses (DIR10701)

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This panel displays the warehouses in which the item you have chosen is allowed to be stored.


Display all panels Select this option to view all information about the item in the warehouse.
Whs info Select this option to view DC1 Distribution information for the item in the warehouse.
Whs mgmt This function key is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management activated. Select this option to view Warehouse Management information for the item in the warehouse.
MFG info This function key is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is activated. Select this option to view Manufacturing information for the item in the warehouse.
Inv ctrl This function key is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Select this option to view Inventory Management information for the item in the warehouse.
Sup Info This option is only applicable for activated warehouses. Select this option to view the ranking of the suppliers per warehouse.
Land costs Select this option to view the standard landed costs, calculated for the item in the warehouse.

Function keys

Selection fields

This column lists the warehouse code. Note: Only those warehouses in which the item is allowed to be stored are displayed.
This column lists the name of the warehouse.
This column displays Active if the item can be stored in this warehouse. Displays Inactive if the item no longer can be stored in this warehouse.
This column denotes if standard landed costs have been calculated for the item in this warehouse.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is installed and activated, and denotes if DC1 Warehouse Management information has been defined for the item in this warehouse.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is activated, and denotes if DC1 Manufacturing information has been defined for the item in this warehouse.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated, and denotes if DC1 Inventory Control information has been defined for the item in this warehouse.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays a code from the Warehouse table, indicating the supplying warehouse. If no warehouse is displayed, this warehouse is supplied from an external supplier.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. The distribution level is the classification indicating which level in the physical distribution network the warehouse resides, and from where the warehouse receives its items (i.e. other, warehouse or external supplier).

If 1 is displayed, this means that the warehouse is supplied from another warehouse. If 2 is displayed, this means that the warehouse is supplied from another warehouse, which in turn is supplied from a third warehouse, etc.

Physical warehouse
This column is only displayed if the STKOWNER (Stock Ownership) functionality is activated in the Function control file and is applicable for both the Stock ownership functionality as well as the Contract Managed Inventory functionality (if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated). It lists the identity of the physical warehouse.
Warehouse characteristics
This column is only displayed if the STKOWNER (Stock Ownership) functionality is activated in the Function control file and is applicable for both the Stock ownership functionality as well as the Contract Managed Inventory functionality (if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated). The warehouse characteristic code, which is used to differentiate your warehouses into physical, normal and logical warehouses, denotes the type of stock the warehouse handles (for internally and/or externally owned stock).

The following warehouse characteristic codes can be displayed:

Code Description
1 Normal warehouse
2 Trade warehouse (logical)
3 Wholesaler Consignment Stock (WCS) warehouse (logical)
4 Wholesaler Deposit Stock (WDS) warehouse (logical)
5 Supplier Consignment Stock (SCS) warehouse (logical)
6 Customer Deposit Stock (CDS) warehouse (logical)
9 Physical warehouse