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Company generation selection (INGD0011)

From this panel start the generation of new company in DC1, either by copying files from an existing company, or by generating new ones. When you then click OK, the Work with companies panel for the new company will displayed for completion. Before the generation is submitted you will also be prompted to enter a dimension set and complete the account part descriptions.

Company to generate
Displays the company you are going to generate.

Generate files
Set this field to YES if you want to create new files for the company you are generating. If you set this field to YES, you must set the Duplicate files field to NO.

If you want to copy some specific data to the new generated files, set the Copy data to YES and complete the Copy from company field. Then select either Copy set to use or Conversion set name. Only data in those files defined in the copy set/conversion set will be copied to the company displayed in the Company to generate field in the top of this panel.

Duplicate files
Set this field to YES if you want to duplicate files from another existing company. This field must be set to NO if you set the Generate files field to YES. If you set this field to YES and set the Copy data field to NO, the files in the new company will be empty.
Dupl. from company
If you set the Duplicate files field to YES, you must enter the company code for the company from which you want to duplicate files. Leave the field blank if you set the Duplicate files field to NO.
Copy data
Set this field to YES if you want to copy data from another existing company. If you set it to YES, you must make sure that nobody else is working in the company from which the data shall be copied, or else some data may not be copied correctly. If you set the Duplicate files field to YES and you do not want to copy data from an existing company, set this field to NO.

If you set the Generate files field to YES as well as this field, you can copy data to the generated files. In addition you must complete the Copy from company field. Then select either Copy set to use or Conversion set name. Only data in those files defined in the copy set/conversion set will be copied to the company displayed in the Company to generate field in the top of this panel.

If you want to copy data to an existing company, set the Generate files and Duplicate files fields to NO and set this field to YES.

Copy from company
If you set the Copy data field to YES, you must enter the company code for the company from which you want to copy data. Leave the field blank if you set the Copy data field to NO.
Copy set code
If you set the Copy data field to YES, you must complete either this field or Conversion set name. Enter a valid copy set from the Copy set table. Only data in those files defined in the copy set will be copied to the company displayed in the Company to generate field in the top of this panel.
Conversion set name
If you set the Copy data field to YES and no copy set was entered in the Copy set code field, this field must be completed. Enter the name of an existing conversion set.
Run preload programs
Set this field to YES if you want to run preload programs during the company generation. The preload programs updates tables in the company with base data necessary to run DC1.
CCSID on database
Enter a valid coded character set code. Valid CCSID:s are: *HEX, *JOB, *SAME, blank, or a valid value from the operating system.

If you enter *HEX, the CCSID 65535 is used. It indicates that character data in the fields is treated as bit data and is not converted.

If you enter *JOB, the default CCSID for your job is used.

If you enter *SAME and Generate files, the CCSID from the files in the Base system is used.

If you enter *SAME and Duplicate files, the CCSID from the files in the company you are duplicating from is used.

To make sorting on national characters to work properly, you have to enter the CCSID for the national language here.

The CCSID describes the encoding scheme and the character set for character type fields in the database. For more information about CCSIDs, see the IBM National Language Support book

Lang ID on database
This field is manadatory and is used to set a language identifier when generating files so the system knows how the data is going to be sorted. Enter a valid language identifier from the operating system.
Start time
Enter the time when you want to start the job. The time is specified in format HHMM, for example 2100. The job will be submitted to batch with status SCD (scheduled). Leave the field blank if you want to start the job as soon as possible.