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User defined table enquiry (CFG290B)

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This panel displays the the header details, e.g. dimension information, for a user defined table. These tables can be referenced in configurator formulas for calculations of material usage, times per operation and additional prices. User defined tables can also be used in cost model equations to define margin/mark-up of costs to set price of a configurable item.

You can choose to specify one or two dimensions for the user defined table. For each dimension you define the key to be used and a search method.


If you have only specified the Parent item key for the table, all instances for the listed items will be connected to the same calculation value. However, if you also specify the Configurator attriute key for the table, you can define different calcualtion values for the same parent item depending on the attributes of the item:

Key 1 (=Parent item) Value (=Factor)
Desk 1,000
Chair 1,352
Bookshelf 1,134
Key 1 (=Parent item) Key 2 (=Configurator attribute/Colour) Value (=Factor)
Desk Blue 1,000
Desk Yellow 1,126
Desk Black 1,000

The keys for the dimensions can be selected from any of the active predefined keys from the User defined table keys table. However, available keys depends on in what context the user defined table will be used:

  • The keys that are related to the bill of routing (work centre, tool, and production technology) are only available for tables that are referenced in a formula from the BOR.
  • The keys that are related to the bill of material (component item keys) are only available for tables that are referenced in a formula from the BOM.
  • The customer related keys and parent item related keys are available in all contexts.

The table details for the selected key (one dimension), or combination of keys (two dimensions), are defined on the Work with user defined tables, Details panel. For each key, or combination of keys, a value can be specified. When the user defined table is referenced in a formula, the system will search for the defined key value combination and use the specified value in the calculation of the formula. See About setting up configurator formulas for more information.

Function keys

Translate View the Table translation file.
Text View the extended text description for the table.
The code that identifies the user defined table.
Valid from
The date indicates from when the table is valid.
The description of the table.

Dimension 1

The code from the User defined table related keys table that will be used as the primary key in this table.
Mandatory entry if Key is set to 001 (configurator attribute). The code from the Configurator attributes table that will be used as the primary key in this table.
Search method
The code indicates the search method to be used when searching for a record in the table.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Equal
2 Less than or equal to
3 Greater than or equal to
Use default
Indicates if it is allowed to create a default value (blank/zero) for the key. The default value will be used if no matching key value can be found during the search.

Dimension 2

The code from the User defined table related keys table that will be used as the secondary key in this table.
Mandatory entry if Key is set to 001 (configurator attribute). The code from the Configurator attributes table that will be used as the secondary key in this table.
Search method
The code indicates the search method to be used when searching for a record in the table.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Equal
2 Less than or equal to
3 Greater than or equal to
Use default
Indicates if it is allowed to create a default value (blank/zero) for the key. The default value will be used if no matching key value can be found during the search.
Text for value
The text that will be used as lead text/column heading for the values in this table.
Indicates if the values used in user defined table details is numeric (=N) or alphanumeric (=A).
No of dec for value
The number of decimals for the values in this table. The range of decimals can be 0 to 3. This field appears blank if the table values are defined as alphanumeric.