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A/P payment proposal, Print control list (FLR08001)

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From this panel you request a printout of a control list with the documents that you select in the payment proposal. The printout can be sequenced according to five different parameters and you can get three different list types. You can also choose to print details or totals per supplier. Template handling is implemented in this program. The active template is indicated in the right-hand corner of the header. Use the available function keys to work with the template.

Function keys

User/Std template Toggle between viewing the control list values according to the template saved for your DC1 user profile, or according to the standard template. If a user template is not saved, then click Save user template when you have entered the applicable values in the sequence and selection fields.
Save user template Save the sequences, selections, and specification criteria you make per list type for your DC1 user profile. The saved values are defaulted to this panel the next time you access it. If you change them, then use this function key again to update your user template.
Delete user template Delete your latest saved user template.
The active template is indicated to the right.


  • Payment mode
  • Currency
  • Internal name
  • Payment date
  • Supplier number
List 1-3
You can print up to three different lists, and sequence them differently, depending on the type of information you need.

List type

In the fields below you select the list type.

Indicate if detailed information is to be printed, i.e., documents that are payable, not payable and updated.
Indicate if subtotals for the defined sequences above are to be printed.


This field is shown for the activities Create, Maintain and Print a proposal. The field is also shown for the Update activity if the proposal is only partially updated. Indicate if payable documents should be printed on the control list.
Not payables
This field is shown for the activities Create, Maintain and Print a proposal. Indicate if you want to print documents on the control list, which by definition cannot be paid. This refers to documents that are only preliminary, such as:

  • those that are not approved for payment,
  • a supplier with a payment mode that is not valid,
  • documents with a payment stop code, or
  • credit notes for sundry suppliers.

If you only want to include documents which can be paid, set this field to NO.

This field is shown if the proposal activity is Update and the Automatic deletion field in the A/P control file is NO. Indicate if the updated documents should be printed on the control list.

Print parameters

Note: If you accessed this panel via the Print option on the Work with A/P payment proposals, Overview panel, then the printing fields below can be changed. If you accessed this panel during A/P payment proposal creation and the Print control list field was set to YES, then the fields are defaulted and cannot be changed.