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Resource allocation table maintenance (RFHD0271)

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This panel displays the resources that have been allocated in the system. A resource consists of the combination of warehouse, handler, and resource. You can add, change, delete or print the records in this table.

Selection fields

This column lists the warehouses to which resources have been allocated.
Res zone
Displays the zone to which the resource belongs.
Displays the resource ID.
This code represents the handler for whom resources have been allocated.
Displays a description of the allocated resource.
Act user
Displays the user activated for the resource.
Indicates the selected panel size of the R/F handheld device connected to the resource. (Two panel sizes exist; 20 x 16 and 40 x 8.)

Resource allocation table maintenance (RFHD0274)

Related topics

The purpose of this table is to maintain resources in the warehouse. You can set up so that resources can only be used in specific zones and control handlers’ use of certain resources. All handlers can operate with a number of resources entered into this table and a resource can be allocated to more than one handler.

When pick and put instructions are assigned to a handler by the R/F batch creator, the resource allocation in this table will determine what kind of instructions and R/F batches the handler is allowed to process.

Enter the warehouse code. The Activate WHM field must be set to YES and the warehouse code must exist in Work with warehouses.
Enter the resource zone and location. The location must exist in Work with locations and the Location class field must be defined with a code from Work with location classes with the Resource field set to YES.
Enter the code which represents the handler for whom resources should be allocated. The handler must exist in Work with signatures.
Panel size
Mandatory entry. Indicate the panel size that you want to be available on your handheld device to have the possibility to select panel size per warehouse. (Two panel sizes exist; 20 x 16 and 40 x 8.) The panel size you indicate here will be used in all applicable places.

Resource allocation table maintenance, Zone restrictions (RFHD0275)

Related topics

On this panel you maintain the available zones for the resource. You can allow/restrict the zones in which the handler can use the resource. Select a record to activate/deactivate a single zone. Use the function keys to activate or deactivate all zones.

Function keys

Activate all Activate all zones.
Deactivate all Deactivate all zones.
Copy Copy parts of the warehouse/resource/handler combination to create new zone restrictions/a new resource allocation combination. One of the records must be changed.

Selection fields

The header displays the selected combination of warehouse, resource, and handler for which you can allocate zones for R/F instructions.
Panel size
Mandatory entry. Indicate the panel size that you want to be available on your handheld device. (Two panel sizes exist; 20 x 16 and 40 x 8.) The panel size you indicate here will be used in all applicable places.

This column lists the zones available for R/F instruction allocation according to the selected combination.
Displays a description of the zone.
Indicates if the zones are activated or inactivated for the resource combination shown in the header.