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ASM control file enquiry, Overview selection (AACD20001)

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The ASM control file contains the information and system parameters that define how the routines in the DC1 Asset Management system should function. The information displayed in the ASM control file enquiry was entered at the time of installation. You can obtain a printout of the contents in the file from the Table printout program selection.

Main depr type
Displays the main depreciation type. The depreciations based on this type are the ones for which the balances will be reversed at disposal. Profit and loss calculations will be based on the main type. A control is also performed against the acquisition account, when depreciations for this type are run.
Actual depr year
Displays the current accounting year for DC1 Asset Management. The year does not have to be the same as the accounting year in DC1 Financials. The year will automatically be updated by the year end routine.
Econ trans history
Displays YES if you want to save transactions from previous year in the History file after the yearly reorganisation. If the transactions should be deleted at reorganisation, then NO is displayed.


In the fields below, the parameters for disposal handling are shown.

P & L calculation
Profit and loss calculations for disposed assets can be handled in three different ways.

One of the following codes are shown indicating the method to be used in your company:

Code Description
1 Calculation and creation of profit and loss postings are performed, as well as reversal balance postings.
2 Creation of reversal balance postings is performed.
9 No calculations are performed, and balances must be reversed manually.
YES indicates that G/L postings should be generated for the disposal. NO indicates that no G/L postings should be generated for the disposal transactions.
Interface type
If DC1 Financials is installed and activated, and the system should generate G/L postings for the disposal transactions, then an interface type for the transfer is shown. The type is validated against Work with interface types in DC1 Financials.

Number series

In the fields below, the number series to be used in DC1 Asset Management are shown. The number series are all mandatory.

Depr proposal
Displays the number series from Work with number series that should be used when numbering depreciation proposals.
Inventory proposal
Displays the number series from Work with number series that should be used when numbering inventory proposals.
Disposal proposal
Displays the number series from Work with number series that should be used when numbering disposal proposals.
Budget asset
Displays the number series from Work with asset number series that should be used when numbering budget assets.

Calculation constants

In the fields below the calculation constants that have been defined to be used in the depreciation rules are shown. They are not used in any of the preloaded rules.

Constant 1-5
The calculation constants are numeric values, positive or negative, with three decimals places and up to ten whole numbers.

ASM control file enquiry (AACD20002)

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Codes for

Active asset
Displays the code which should represent an active asset in the system. The code must be different from the code used to represent a budget asset. The codes are used to differentiate between active assets and budget assets at depreciation and printout of listings.
Budget asset
Displays the code which should represent a budget asset in the system. The code must be different from the code used to represent an active asset. The codes are used to differentiate between active assets and budget assets at depreciation and printout of listings.
Cost centre allowed
Displays YES if cost centre accounting is allowed in DC1 Asset Management. A cost centre can then be kept on asset level in the Asset file, which can be used when creating G/L postings for different transactions in DC1 Asset Management. If cost centre accounting is not used, then NO is shown.
Cost centre acc part
If cost centre accounting is allowed, then the number of the corresponding account part in DC1 Financials which is the cost centre part is shown. The cost centre part must not be the same as the main or the project account part, if used.
Project allowed
YES indicates that project accounting is allowed in DC1 Asset Management. A project can then be kept on asset level in the Asset file, which can be used when creating G/L postings for different transactions in DC1 Asset Management. NO indicates that project accounting is not used.
Project account part
If project accounting is allowed, then the number of the account part which is the project part is shown. The project part must not be the same as the main or the cost centre account part, if used.

Wait file origin

This section indicates the type of transactions that are updated to the Wait file.

Indicates if A/P transactions are updated to the Wait file.
Indicates if A/R transactions are updated to the Wait file.
Indicates if G/L transactions are updated to the Wait file.

ASM control file enquiry, User defined fields (AACD20003)

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This panel displays your own fields that have been defined to be used within DC1 Asset Management.

Heading location 1-8
Displays the heading for each of the location classes you intend to use.
User defined alpha 1-5
Displays up to five user-defined alphanumerical fields created for the Locations & user fields panel in the Asset file. The fields are either defined as mandatory or optional entry.
Displays the heading or field name for each user-defined field.
Displays the code for MANDATORY, as defined in Work with companies, if this field is mandatory entry for assets in the Asset file. The field is blank, if optional entry.
User defined numeric 1-5
Displays up to five user-defined numeric fields created for the Locations & user fields panel in the Asset file. The fields are either defined as mandatory or optional entry.
Displays the heading or field name for each user-defined field.
Displays the number of decimals for fields of type 1 (numeric unspecified) and 2 (amount). For amounts, the number of decimals will automatically default to the number of decimals of the system currency, as defined in Work with currencies.
This code defines the type of numeric field.

The following types apply:

Code Description
1 Numeric unspecified
2 Amount (defined as system currency)
3 Date
4 Period
Displays the code for MANDATORY, as defined in Work with companies, if this field is mandatory entry for assets in the Asset file. The field is blank, if optional entry.