On this panel you enter additional information regarding a business partner’s bank.
- Bank
- Displays the selected bank.
- Text lines
- Enter any information regarding the person responsible for the payments, e.g. name, designation, etc.
- Letter needed
- If the payment is not done via paper, then indicate if a letter with a payment summary must be printed.
- Maximum lines
- During payment transfers to the bank, the supplier invoice number is put in the announcement field to inform the supplier about the paid invoices. Enter a value to indicate the maximum number of invoices that can be entered in the announcement field. Note: This value is mostly set to 7. A letter can be printed to inform the supplier should the number of paid invoices in a payment order exceed the Maximum lines value.
- Activity code
- Enter the activity code for this bank.
- No series file id
- Enter the number series from which the file sequence number is retrieved (see Work with number series for details).
- Bilaterale zone
- If you are submitting foreign payments via communication or electronic media, then enter the bilaterale zone details.
- Bank acc. num. costs
- Enter the bank account number used by the bank to charge the cost involved with this payment.
- Info for bank
- Enter any information which may be required by the bank when submitting the payments.
- Language
- Enter the language code of the bank. All letters and forms for the bank related with A/P payments will be printed in this language.
- CIF number
- Enter a correct CIF number for the bank. The CIF number is a number that will be included in a workfile when creating a payment order in TFB format. This number is included in the first record from position 94 to 99.
- Totalisation code
- Enter the payment totalisation code. It can be either 0 or 1.
- Alpha free field 1
- Enter free alphanumeric data, which is not used in any of the A/P payment programs.
- Numeric free field 1
- Enter free numeric data, which is not used in any of the A/P payment programs.
- Indicate if the CODA transactions must be processed by the bank.