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Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types (GDMD11901)

The entries on this panel are used in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine. The payment mode controls which information to send to the financial institution. It also controls how the payments will be posted in the A/P and the G/L.


Selection fields

Payment mode
Displays the selected A/P payment mode and a description.

This column lists the payment types that have been defined for the selected payment mode.
Displays the transaction currency code if defined for the payment type. If a currency code is entered, then only payments in this currency can be handled for the specific payment mode. If the related payment type is defined for all currencies, displays underscores (___).

Indicates if the liquid asset and payment fee document types entered for the payment type should be the default values when the A/P payment proposal is updated.

Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types (GDMD11904)

On this panel you enter or maintain payment type details for the payment mode. These entries are used in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine. The payment mode controls which information to send to the financial institute. It also controls how the payments will be posted in the A/P and the G/L.

Payment mode
Displays the selected A/P payment mode, to which you want to add a payment type, followed by a description.

Payment type
Enter the payment type for this payment mode. The payment type controls which information you send to the financial institute. This information cannot be changed for an existing record.
This field is used to determine which transaction currencies can be handled for this specific payment mode. If you enter a currency code, only payments in this currency are valid. If you fill the field with underscores (___), all transaction currencies are valid. You can set up both detailed and general payment types for the same payment mode. The system uses the most detailed level first when selecting which payment type to use for a payment.
Liq asset doc type
Enter the A/P payment document type for the payment mode. The document type will be the default for this payment mode in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine if you set the Default field to YES below. The document type controls how the payment transactions will be posted to the G/L. It also controls:

  • document numbering
  • the text of the document
  • control account, overrides the system defaults
Payment fee doc type
Enter the G/L document type for payment fees for the payment mode. The document type will be the default for this payment mode in the Work with A/P payment proposal routine if you set the Default field to YES below. It also controls:

  • document numbering
  • the text of the document

The pseudo account XBPF, with variable part bank code, is used for the bank posting, and XPFC, with variable part document type, is used for the cost posting.

Our bank
Enter a valid bank from the Bank table.
Bank account number
Displays the bank account number for the bank if the bank was entered.
Set this field to YES if you want the liquid asset and payment fee document types entered above to be the default values when you update the A/P payment proposal. Note: It is possible to have more than one default. You can have one default per payment mode and currency. The purpose of this is to automatically preload the A/P payment proposal in the print/update routine with the correct values per payment mode and currency.

Work with A/P payment modes, Payment types, Deletion (GDMD11908)