This panel displays every day within the selected month. All working days within the month are highlighted. If you want to change a day from a non-working day to a working day, or vice versa, mark the day and click Activate or Inactivate marked days.
Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated and the default calendar (*DFT) is maintained, it is not possible to change a working day to a non-working day, if there are any orders to be delivered, or received, that day.
Function keys
Activate marked days | Mark a non-working day (or several non-working days) and use this function key to change it to a working day. |
Inactivate marked days | Mark a working day (or several working days) and use this function key to change it to a non-working day. |
- Day
- Displays the day number. The day description is retrieved from the Short description field in the Day description table.
- Week
- Displays the week number.
- Capacity
- Displays the capacity in hours for the day.
- Ph
- Only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Indicates if the day is a public holiday.
Calendar file maintenance, Days (GDMD1664)
The purpose of this panel is to change a working day to a non-working day or vice versa. You can enter/change the capacity in hours. If DC1 Service is installed and activated, you can define the day as a public holiday.
Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated and the default calendar (*DFT) is maintained, it is not possible to change a working day to a non-working day, if there are any orders to be delivered, or received, that day.
Function keys
Activate | Only displayed if the day is defined as a non-working day. Change it to a working day. |
Inactivate | Only displayed if the day is defined as a working day. Change it to a non-working day. |
- Day
- Displays the day number. The day description is retrieved from the Short description field in the Day description table. Day number and description are highlighted if it is a working day.
- Capacity
- Enter a capacity in hours for the day. The capacity is used in the planning routines in DC1 Manufacturing.
- Ph
- Only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Indicate if the day is a public holiday. This information is used in the Time rule table.