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Calendar file maintenance, Days (GDMD1661)

This panel displays every day within the selected month. All working days within the month are highlighted. If you want to change a day from a non-working day to a working day, or vice versa, mark the day and click Activate or Inactivate marked days.

Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated and the default calendar (*DFT) is maintained, it is not possible to change a working day to a non-working day, if there are any orders to be delivered, or received, that day.

Function keys

Activate marked days Mark a non-working day (or several non-working days) and use this function key to change it to a working day.
Inactivate marked days Mark a working day (or several working days) and use this function key to change it to a non-working day.
Displays the day number. The day description is retrieved from the Short description field in the Day description table.
Displays the week number.
Displays the capacity in hours for the day.
Only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Indicates if the day is a public holiday.

Calendar file maintenance, Days (GDMD1664)

The purpose of this panel is to change a working day to a non-working day or vice versa. You can enter/change the capacity in hours. If DC1 Service is installed and activated, you can define the day as a public holiday.

Note: If DC1 Distribution is installed and activated and the default calendar (*DFT) is maintained, it is not possible to change a working day to a non-working day, if there are any orders to be delivered, or received, that day.

Function keys

Activate Only displayed if the day is defined as a non-working day. Change it to a working day.
Inactivate Only displayed if the day is defined as a working day. Change it to a non-working day.

Displays the day number. The day description is retrieved from the Short description field in the Day description table. Day number and description are highlighted if it is a working day.
Enter a capacity in hours for the day. The capacity is used in the planning routines in DC1 Manufacturing.
Only displayed if DC1 Service is installed and activated. Indicate if the day is a public holiday. This information is used in the Time rule table.