Related topics
- Enter customer returns
- Enter customer returns with QC entry
- Enter recalled goods
- Process the request and/or return
On this panel you connect sales, purchase, service, or manufacturing lines to your request. A purchase order can be created from a customer related request through processing of a purchase order action. The main supplier for the item on the request line will be used for the created order.
Note: When service orders apply, it is through this routine that you create jobs under header level.
If you entered a reference number on the Request header, you can click Select lines to access a panel where you can copy any existing invoice lines and transfer these to this panel. Note: Reference number is not automatically pre-defined when accessing the Select lines function from here.
When the order has been created, and you click Back from Work with sales orders, you return to this panel.
When you add a line within a request and return that is priced to give FOC items, a warning message is displayed and the FOC items are automatically attached to the sales order that is created. In the event you want to copy a sales order line into a request and return, FOC items are to be entered manually.
Actions | Select this option to specify an action for this line. Actions are comparable to commands that inform your employees what to do to, or how to follow up and resolve problems and issues (e.g., a resolution code describes the problem/issue and an action is assigned to resolve it). |
Quality control | Select this option if you wish to make a quality control inspection of the returned goods. The quality control program will be launched. |
Goods returned | Select this option to enter information pertaining to the goods that have been returned with this line. |
Process actions | Select this option to manually process one action/line at a time. To see all actions for the line first click Actions. This option is typically used when Automatic processing is set to NO for the action. If the action is not ready to be processed, (e.g., the action should create an alert and the alert needs to be approved), a detailed message will be displayed outlining why it is not possible to process the action. |
Text | Select this option to work with texts for requests and returns. |
Alert | Select this option to work with manual alert messages. |
NCC | Select this option to view any NCC information that may be associated with this request. |
Documents | Select this option to print return documents and labels. |
Function keys
Select lines | Select lines to include in the action. |
View control | Access the View controls window where you can set the action lines view as your user default preference. |
Process actions | Automatically process all actions that are ready to be processed for the line. The Automatic processing field must be set to YES for the action. To see all actions for the line, click Select lines. If any action is not ready to be processed (e.g., one action should create an alert and the alert first needs to be approved), you will not receive a detailed message for any unprocessed actions. Select the Process actions option for the unprocessed actions to receive a detailed message. |
Selection fields
- Request
- Business partner
Work with requests and returns, Line detail (HLR02804)
On this panel, the details of each request line may be created, viewed or changed. Note: For service orders, this panel is used to create jobs, at header level.
Function keys
Add without conf | This function key is displayed on the detail panel if you have selected several lines for action creation. Click Add without conf to create actions for the selected lines without having to confirm the details for each and one of them. You can make any changes on the first detail panel that you access and the system automatically retrieves the Goods return code, the external and internal request codes, and the resolution code as default from that panel if they apply to all subsequent lines. |
- Request
- Business partner
- Line
- Displays the line number that the request has been allocated to.
- Quantity
- Enter the quantity of the item.
- Handl status, item
- Displays the handling status of the item as defined in the Item file, indicating if specific restrictions apply for the item, e.g., the item is not allowed to be entered on a sales order.
- Handl status, whs
- Displays the handling status of the item as defined in the Item file, Warehouses panel, indicating if specific restrictions apply for the item in this warehouse, e.g., the item is not allowed to be entered on a sales order.
- Supplier
- Enter the main supplier for the item. This supplier will be used when a purchase order is created from a customer related request. If you change the supplier, then the action price will be recalculated.
- Conformity group
- Displays the item conformity group code as defined in the Item file.
- Ext request code
- Displays the external request code as defaulted from the request header.
- Goods return
- This field is used to describe how returned goods are handled using this status code.
- Int request code
- Displays the internal request code as defaulted from the request header.
- Customer return loc
- Enter a code from the Warehouse zone table indicating the location where the returned goods are stored. Note: If the returned goods have been restocked the value in this field cannot be changed.
- Resolution code
- Enter a code from the Resolution code table. This outlines the type of steps that must be taken to resolve this request.
- QC receiving loc
- Enter a code from the Warehouse zone table indicating the location where the quality control inspection of the returned goods will be made. Note: If the returned goods have been restocked the value in this field cannot be changed.
- Batch number
- Enter the batch number that corresponds to the returned goods.
- QC performed
- Displays the date when the quality control inspection was performed.
- Batch recall number
- If an item with a batch number is returned, the system will search through all recall information to see if the returned item is subject to a batch recall. If it is, then the batch recall number will be displayed in this field.
- Approved quantity
- Displays the result of the quality control inspection. This value indicates the number of returned goods that can be restocked (i.e. goods have passed QC inspection).
- Batch recall loc
- Enter a code from the Warehouse zone table indicating the location where the recalled goods are stored.
- Rejected quantity
- Displays the result of the quality control inspection. This value indicates the number of returned goods have failed the inspection.
- Refund percentage
- Enter the refund percentage. Refund percentages are only applicable to sales and purchase orders. Note: This field is used in conjunction with the Refund % usage field on the Work with actions panel. A value must be entered in this field if:
- The Refund % usage field is defined with 3 (Refund percentage mandatory)
- and an action related to a sales or purchase order is invoked.
Service order job creation
The section below is only displayed if an item with Repair history set to YES in the Item file and a resolution code holding a service-related action is entered on this panel. Service-related fields together with the available service codes are then displayed. In order to create the service order job you need to enter the applicable information in the following fields:
- Obj ser no
- Mandatory entry. Enter the object serial number for which you are creating a service order job.
- Engineer
- Enter the service engineer assigned to the service order job.
- Req serv dat
- The date when the service order job was requested.
- Req serv tim
- The time when the service order job was requested.
Service codes
Below this heading the user-defined service codes (1-4) from the Service code table are displayed. For each applicable code you can define the type of work that needs to be done on the object.
- Service codes 1-4
- User-defined service codes.
- Sales/Purchase order
- This field differs depending on the type of reference number entered on the request header. Enter the sales order or purchase order number.
- Doc type/invoice
- This field is only displayed if the type of reference number entered on the request header is invoice and is mandatory if invoice for this line exists. Enter the document type from the Document type table, followed by the invoice number. The document type is connected to the document number series for the invoice related document. See About number series handling for invoice related documents for more information.
- Sales/Purchase order line
- This field differs depending on the type of reference number entered on the request header. Enter the sales order line or purchase order line number.
- Invoice line
- Only displayed if you are working with a sales order line. Enter the invoice line number.
Work with requests and returns, Copy (HLR02805)
Work with requests and returns, Deletion (HLR02808)
Print return documents (HLR02811)
In this window you select the type of return documents you want to print and indicate if labels should be printed.
- Return note
- Set to YES to print a return note. NO is defaulted. The return note is sent back to the business partner together with the goods.
- Transport note
- Set to YES to print a transport note. NO is defaulted. The transport note is sent back to the business partner together with the goods.
- Investigation note
- Set to YES to print an investigation note. NO is defaulted. The investigation note is used to investigate availability, etc. of the ordered and delivered item. Miscellaneous information from the reference and the request is printed on the note.
- Labels
- Set to YES to print labels. NO is defaulted.