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Shipment types are used to specify default values and automatic actions that should take place when a shipment is closed or updated as shipped.
Selection fields
- Shipment type
- This column lists the existing shipment types.
Work with shipment types (DMR07704)
On this panel you specify the details of the shipment type you are creating. Scroll to access the next specification panel where you define which actions should automatically take place when the shipment is closed or updated as shipped.
Function keys
- Shipment type
- Enter a name to identify the shipment type you are creating.
- Order assignment
- Indicate if the Order assignment functionality should be used when lines are selected for a manually created outbound shipment defined with this shipment type. If YES, then the only way to assign sales orders or pick lists to a shipment with this shipment type is through the Work with outbound shipments, Order assignment routine. You also need to specify the applicable Assignment rules (see section below). Note: If you are creating a shipment type that should be used on a route, then this field must be set to NO.
Assignment rules
And, only applicable if Order assignment above is set to YES.
- Deviating MOT
- Indicate if it should be allowed to assign lines to a manually created outbound shipment specified with this shipment type, if the lines have another manner of transport code than the one stated on the shipment header.
- Earlier disp date
- Indicate if it should be allowed to assign lines to a manually created outbound shipment specified with this shipment type, if the lines have an earlier dispatch date than the one stated on the shipment header.
- Later disp date
- Indicate if it should be allowed to assign lines to a manually created outbound shipment specified with this shipment type, if the lines have a later dispatch date than the one stated on the shipment header.
- Order line statuses
- Optionally, enter one or several codes from the Order status table to indicate the order line statuses that are allowed for Order assignment.
Creation defaults
- Manner of transport
- Enter a code from the Manner of transport table to indicate the default MOT that should be used when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
- Shipping agent
- Enter a code from the Shipping agent table to indicate the external company that should be defaulted when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
- Vehicle
- Enter a code from the Vehicle table to indicate the default vehicle that should be used when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
Mandatory at create
- Dispatch time
- Indicate if the dispatch time should be mandatory when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
- Shipping agent
- Indicate if the shipping agent should be mandatory when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
- Vehicle
- Indicate if the vehicle should be mandatory when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
- Driver
- Indicate if the driver should be mandatory when a shipment header is created with this specific shipment type.
Mandatory bef ship
- Dispatch time
- Indicate if the dispatch time must be specified before the shipment can be updated as shipped, if this shipment type is defined on the shipment header.
- Shipping agent
- Indicate if the shipping agent must be specified before the shipment can be updated as shipped, if this shipment type is defined on the shipment header.
- Vehicle
- Indicate if the vehicle must be specified before the shipment can be updated as shipped, if this shipment type is defined on the shipment header.
- Driver
- Indicate if the driver must be specified before the shipment can be updated as shipped, if this shipment type is defined on the shipment header.
Work with shipment types, Copy (DMR07705)
- Shipment type
- Displays the shipment type you selected to copy.
- New shipment type
- Enter a code to identify the new shipment type you are creating.
Work with shipment types, Deletion (DMR07708)
Note: A shipment type cannot be deleted in the following cases:
- The shipment type is defined on an outbound shipment that is not shipped (status less than 60).
- The shipment type is found on an existing route, and the route is valid and available according to the “from date” and “to date”.
- The shipment type is found on an existing route list line with a dispatch date equal to today’s date or with a later dispatch date.
Work with shipment types (DMR07711)
On this panel you define the actions that should automatically take place when a shipment with this shipment type is closed or updated as shipped. Scroll to access the next specification panel where you enter the applicable default settings for the defined actions.
Function keys
Actions at close
- Create pick lists
- Indicate if pick lists should be automatically created and printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed. If set to YES, then you can specify on the next panel whether pick lists or consolidated pick lists should be printed by default.
- Print transport note
- Indicate if transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed.
- Print shipping doc
- Indicate if shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed.
Actions at ship
- Upd mandatory info
- Indicate if you want to be automatically prompted during the shipping procedure should any of the values that are specified as mandatory before shipping still be missing.
If you set this field to YES, then a popup window will be displayed where the parameters still missing a value are listed for you to complete.
If you set this field to NO, then you must access the applicable outbound shipment and specify the missing mandatory values directly on the shipment header before you can ship.
- Print transport note
- Indicate if transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is shipped.
- Print shipping doc
- Indicate if shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is shipped.
- Limit exceed close
- Indicate if an outbound shipment with this shipment type should be automatically closed when a line is added that causes any of the maximum limits for weight, volume, or value to be exceeded.
- Trpt note/pick list
- Set this field to YES if transport notes for a delivery address on an outbound shipment with this shipment type should be printed per pick list. Set it to NO if the transport notes should be printed for the whole address.
Work with shipment types (DMR07712)
On this panel you enter the default settings for the automatic actions that were defined for this shipment type on the previous panel. If none of the automatic actions apply, then this panel can be ignored.
Function keys
Create pick lists
- Print pick lists
- If pick lists should be automatically created and printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed (Create pick lists at close on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if pick lists should be printed.
- R/F batch template
- If pick lists should be automatically created when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed (Create pick lists at close on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field the R/F batch template that should be used during creation.
- Print cons pick list
- If pick lists should be automatically created and printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed (Create pick lists at close on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if consolidated pick lists should be printed.
Print transport note – Selection
- Print order lines
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if order lines should be printed at the same time.
- Print batch/ser no
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if batch/serial number information should be printed at the same time.
- Print amounts
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if amounts should be printed at the same time.
- Heading
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field the alternate heading that should be printed on the transport notes, if applicable.
Print transport note – Sequence
- Package number
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if package information should be printed at the same time, and if the package number should be a part of the sequence on the printout.
- Commodity code
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if commodity code information should be printed at the same time, and if the information should be a part of the sequence on the printout.
- Item
- If transport notes should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print transport note at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if item information should be printed at the same time, and if the information should be a part of the sequence on the printout.
Print shipping doc – Select printouts
- Loading list
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if a loading list should be printed at the same time.
- Route delivery list
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if a route delivery list should be printed at the same time.
- Shipment manifest
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if a shipment manifest should be printed at the same time.
- Shipment confirm
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if a shipment confirmation should be printed at the same time.
Print shipping doc – Specification
- Package information
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/shipp on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if package information should be printed when the loading list and/or route delivery list is printed.
- Order lines
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if order line information should be printed when the loading list and/or route delivery list is printed.
- Returns
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if return information should be printed when the route delivery list is printed.
- Return details
- If shipping documents should be automatically printed when an outbound shipment with this shipment type is closed and/or updated as shipped (Print shipping doc at close/ship on the previous panel is set to YES), then indicate in this field if return detail information should be printed when the route delivery list is printed.