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Budget maintenance (ANLD1831)

On this panel, you can maintain the budget that you selected on the previous panel.

Function keys

Fold Display the length and type (numeric or alphanumeric) for the statistic keys.
Profiles Select a budget profile for this budget number, balance type and year to maintain. The Budget profile controls which information will be displayed and which keys will be used for selection.
Select budget Select an existing budget for this budget number, balance type and year to maintain. If no balance type was entered, all balance types are displayed.
Process existing budgets Process all existing budgets for this budget number, balance type and year. The maintenance panel for the first selection will be displayed. To move to the next budget, click OK. When all existing budget records are processed, the system will return to this panel.
Process valid combinations Process all budgets for this budget, number, balance types and year. This allows you to create new budgets and maintain existing budgets without manually entering each combination.

To limit processing to a certain selection, choose a budget profile where selections have been established. In this case, the combinations that are selected for maintenance depend on what selections exist for the keys in the budget profile. To move to the next budget on the maintenance panel, click OK. When the system has exhausted all possibilities, it will return to this panel.

Key text Display the key value text.
Delete Delete a budget. If the balance type was left blank, the system deletes the whole budget. If a balance type was entered, the system deletes all budgets with that balance type. Note: You are only allowed to delete the whole budget if you have system administrator authority.
Budget number
Displays the budget number that you selected on the previous panel.
Budget profile
Displays the actual budget profile.

Balance type alias
Enter the balance type alias for the budget that you want to work with. This field is mandatory, and only the balance type alias that correspond to the budget description keys are valid.
Enter the year for the budget that you want to work with. This field is mandatory.
Budget keys
The budget keys that are active for this budget are displayed on the panel. If you have activated a budget template, some of these fields may contain default values. These defaults can be changed. You must enter a valid code for at least one budget key. Note: The key value text is displayed in the user language for the statistical keys that have been translated.

Budget maintenance (ANLD1834)

New budgets are calculated on this panel. The first three key fields for the budget record you are maintaining are displayed on the bottom of the panel. Scroll to view other key fields. When calculating new budgets for the periods displayed, there are seven alternatives from which you can choose to perform this function. These include:

  • Values can be manually entered into the New budget fields for each period. In this case, no Amount to allocate is entered.
  • A Budget curve code established in the Budget curve table can be entered, along with an Amount to allocate value. The total is then distributed into the remaining period fields according to the budget curve weights.
  • If an old budget exists, calculation of the new budget can be performed for an entered Amount to allocate value multiplied by the entered Mult factor. The new budget is then calculated according to this information and distributed into the remaining period fields.
  • Calculation of the new budget can be performed for an entered Amount to allocate value multiplied by the entered Mult factor, and distributed into the remaining period fields by the entered Budget curve code.
  • Calculation of the new budget can be performed by copying budget values, applying a Mult factor and distributing the remaining periods by entered Budget curve code. No Amount to allocate value is entered in this case.
  • The calculation of the new budget can be performed by copying budget values and applying a Mult factor. The new budget will then be calculated according to the relative weight of each period value and distributed into the remaining period fields. No Amount to allocate value is entered in this case.
  • The calculation of the new budget can be performed for an entered Amount to allocate value by copying a budget/balance value to distribute the new budget into the remaining period fields.

After completing the fields of your choice, for the calculation and clicking OK, the budget will be updated and a message will appear on the bottom of the panel describing the calculation terms.

Function keys

Expand/Condense Toggle between expanding or condensing the key fields.
Copy budget/balance Copy an existing budget or balance into a new budget. You can place the cursor on any field on the balance enquiry panel and click OK to copy the information to the budget.
Inactivate copy function Inactivate the copy pending function.

Amount to allocate
The amount to allocate field is used to enter new totals for calculation or distribution with budget curves.
Copy pending from
If you are copying existing budgets the budget year and number you are copying will be displayed in this field. If copying a balance, the text BALANCE and the year is displayed in this field. However, a summary level holding the necessary keys, (i.e. the same as the actual budget), must exist in order to copy a balance.
Budget curve
The budget curve is a weighted average used to distribute the total period value into each period. Enter a valid budget curve from the Budget curve table to establish the budget per period using a budget curve.
Mult factor
This field is used to multiply the entered or copied total values by the defined multiplication factor.
The names of the accounting periods, as defined in the G/L control file in DC1 Financials, or the DIS control file if DC1 Financials is not installed, and the total value are displayed first in this column.
New budget
For each month of the year, a new budget can be entered. The total field is displayed with the total of all periods.
Old budget
If maintaining an existing budget, the values for the different periods and the total will be displayed under this column.