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Work with signatures (GDMD11101)

The entries in this panel are used within the system for internal handler and salesman. When the information is printed on documents etc., the name is retrieved from this file.

The signature is also used for groups of people, such as attestors – persons attesting supplier invoices, purchase requisitions and purchase orders.

Signatures are connected to user profiles in the Handler field in the Work with DC1 user profiles file.


Assign users Select this option to access the panel where users can be assigned to signatures for DC1 Alert Management for for business partner contacts.

Selection fields

This column lists the signatures defined in the system.
Displays the long name of the person behind the signature.

Work with signatures (GDMD11104)

The entries in this panel are used within the system for internal handler and salesman. When the information is printed on documents etc., the name is retrieved from this file.

The signature is also used for groups of people, such as attestors – persons attesting supplier invoices, purchase requisitions and purchase orders.

Signatures are connected to user profiles in the Handler field in the Work with DC1 user profiles file.

Function keys


Cost centre
Only displayed if the cost centre account part in DC1 Financials is activated. Enter a cost centre to be connected to this signature from the Account file. The cost centre entered here can be defaulted into the Cost centre field when you enter A/P invoices and when you transfer A/P documents from the General interface file (SROLBA).

If nothing is entered, the cost centre will be as it has been defined for the customer in the Business partner file, A/R basic data panel.

Note: If a cost centre has been defined both here and in the Business partner file, the default value will be retrieved from the Signature table. The cost centre can also be defaulted to several panels within DC1, when the user profile connected to this signature enter transactions.

Note: A security check will be performed to verify if the user is authorised to enter the cost centre.

Security code
If this signature should have the authority to attest requisitions, purchase orders and supplier invoices, enter the security code of the signature. Note: If the Attestor security field in the A/P control file is set to YES, this field becomes mandatory. Note: In enquiry mode, the security code is not displayed. Instead, four asterisks (****) are displayed if the signature has the authority to attest requisitions, purchase orders and supplier invoices.
Common attest limit
Enter an attest limit, in system currency, together with a signature in the Next level authority field for the entered signature. This field is used for attest control within requisition and purchase order handling.

The attest limit must be lower than the attest limit for the signature defined in the Next level authority field. The attest limit must be higher than attest limit for any signature using this signature as next level authority. If no limit is entered, this signature can attest any requisition and purchase order, irrespective of the order value.

Next level authority
Enter a valid signature from this Signature table, indicating the person with a higher authority to attest requisitions and purchase orders. If the Common attest limit field is completed, this field also has to be completed.

The information is used for attest and limit control within requisition and purchase order handling. This field cannot be completed with a signature with a lower common attest limit than this signature.

Indicate if this signature is a salesman who can acquire commission. Only signatures with YES set in this field can be defined as the salesman for a customer in the Business partner file and the Customer/Salesman table. Salesmen can also be defined in the Area table, indicating the sales area manager.

The information is used in the commission handling routine. Commission records can automatically be created for a particular salesman, sales manager or sales area manager in the Sales order entry routine. If this signature should acquire commission, set this field to YES.

A handler salesman can also be defined in this file (see that field below). The handler salesman will be retrieved on the sales order instead of the salesman defined in the Customer file, if this Salesman field is set to YES, and the Handler salesman field is completed below, and the Salesman fr handler field in the sales order type table is set to YES for the sales order type used on the sales order.

Sales manager
This field can only be completed if the Salesman field above is set to YES. Enter a valid code from this Work with signatures file indicating the sales manager for this salesman. A sales manager can automatically get commission every time this salesman sells.
Handler salesman
This field can only be completed if the Salesman field above is set to YES. Enter a valid code from this Work with signatures file indicating the handler salesman. If the Salesman fr handler field is set to YES for the sales order type used on the sales order, the salesman on the sales order will be retrieved from this field. If this field is blank, then the salesman on the sales order will be retrieved from the Customer file.
Direct print
In the fields below you define the printout parameters for direct printing of documents for the handler/salesman. The printer defined here is used for printout of invoices, purchase orders and when the BtB change log printout is printed via direct print.

A/P Workflow

Note: The following fields are only displayed if the A/P Workflow application is installed and activated.

Send signature
Mandatory entry. Indicate if the signature entered on this panel should be sent to A/P Workflow.
Attest authority
Mandatory entry. Indicate if the signature entered on this panel has attest authority in A/P Workflow.
Attest limit
Enter the attest limit in system currency for the signature with attest authority in A/P Workflow. Note: If Attest authority is set to NO, this field must be 0 (zero).

Work with signatures, Copy (GDMD11105)

Displays the signature(s) you selected to copy.

New signature
Enter the new signature that you are creating.

Work with signatures, Deletion (GDMD11108)