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Business partner file maintenance, Basic data (GDMD0021)

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On this panel you enter basic information for the business partner. It is necessary that this information is completed for all business partners. Depending on the template you have chosen, some fields may already be completed. Some may also be protected, i.e. the cursor will by-pass them when you work your way through the fields.

This panel can be accessed through different programs and be displayed in different modes:

Default mode

Attribute mode

Enquiry mode

Forward maintenance program

If this panel is accessed from the Forward maintenance program then it will be titled Work with forward maintenance proposals, New values, Basic data.

Function keys

For more information about additional functions accessible from this panel, see Functions in function list.

Contacts Select this option to attach contacts to roles which are pre-established for the business partner. Via this option you are also able to access the Work with contacts program where you can create a new or maintain existing external contacts. For each contact you may enter communication details such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses. See About working with external contacts for more information.
Item cross reference types Only displayed if DC1 Distribution is installed and activated. This function key is not displayed when you add a new business partner. Use it to work with valid cross reference types for a name.

Mandatory entry. Enter a unique number for the business partner you are creating.
Mandatory entry. Enter the name of the business partner. Whenever you print an external document, this is the name that will be used.
Internal name
Enter an abbreviation of the name for internal use. Internal names are used to simplify alphabetical sorting. If you have a customer with the name of The happy-go-lucky Car Dealer, you can state the name internally as Happy-go-lucky Car. Alphabetically sorted, the customer will be listed under H instead of under The.

The internal name can also be used in the Business partner file enquiry when searching for a customer or supplier. If this field is left blank, the system will use the first twenty characters of the complete name, which are automatically converted to upper case letters.

Mandatory entry. Enter the main address of the business partner on the text lines at your disposal.

On the Address file panel in this file, you can define several addresses. The address displayed here, is the same address as address number 1, which is automatically updated on the Address file panel.

DFT svc code
Only applicable if you are running the DC1 GB Parcel Carrier application. Enter the service code, from the Carrier/Service code table, that should be the default for this customer. Service codes indicate the service provided by a carrier company. The carrier company applicable for this customer is retrieved from the customer’s manner of transport definition. See About the Parcel carrier functionality (Great Britain) for more information.
Company phone
Enter the phone number of the business partner.
Company fax
Enter the fax number of the business partner.
Enter the code from the County table indicating the county in which the business partner is located.

Mandatory entry. Enter a valid country of the customer or supplier from the Country table. This information is used in the system as follows:

  • It controls parameters in the interest invoice handling
  • It is used in the EU statistics function
  • It is used for directing information to the National Bank when paying foreign suppliers
  • It controls how address line four shall be edited when a customer or supplier address is printed
  • It can be used as a selection parameter when you print different lists
VAT registration no
This field is only displayed if the EU reporting function is activated. If a VAT registration number exists for this business partner at this address, enter that number. This number is printed on business partner documents, and is used in EU reporting.

Note: If you enter a sales order for a customer that has no VAT registration number defined for the debtor address (either in this field or in the Business partner file/BP/Country VAT registration file), then the system will retrieve the VAT handling code to the sales order line as if the sale is a domestic sale. This means that the VAT handling code retrieved will be the same as when you enter a sales order to a customer in your own country. Note: The exception to this situation is if the sale is a ‘real’ triangulation. Then EU rules must be followed.

Note: Use the Country/VAT number maintenance function from the Function list to maintain the VAT registration number per country for the business partner.

Company reg number
Enter the company registration number of the business partner.
Corporate snd/rcv
This field, valid only for DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance, contains two segments which are automatically updated by the system when the following occurs:

  • If you are in the Sending company and you have activated the send of this BPARTNER data, the Snd flag will automatically be set to YES.
  • If you are in the Receiving company the Rcv flag will automatically be set to YES the first time you receive the record data, regardless of whether or not the record already exists. If you want to stop all future reception of this BPARTNER data, manually set this flag to NO.
Enter an alias for the customer or supplier. It is convenient to establish an alias for those you often work with, to avoid having to fill in complete numbers. The alias can consist of a maximum of 11 characters and can be used in most fields instead of the ordinary number, but it cannot be used wherever a range selection of customers or suppliers is made, e.g. when printing different lists. The alias can be used in search fields if it has been activated in the Name search control file.
Mandatory entry. Enter the type of relationship your company has with this Business partner. This information decides if a panel is relevant when maintaining the Business partner file.

Permitted values:

Type Description
1 Customer only
2 Supplier only
3 Both customer and supplier to your company. It does not mean all customers and suppliers. If the field is left blank, no selection on type will be made.
9 Competitor, manufacturer, prospect. This type also applies if using the DC1 Corporate Data Maintenance functionality and your Business Partner’s nature of business is only to send/receive DI document data.

Note: For Business partners defined with type 9 and applying to Competitor, Manufacturer and Prospect, only this Basic data panel needs to be completed.

Mandatory entry. Enter a valid area from the Area table. By using the area code, you can select customers/suppliers by area when you print different lists. The area can also be used in the Sales commission handling to pay commission to a salesman. Commission can be achieved according to the area to which the customer belongs.
This field is only displayed if DC1 Multi Distribution Centre (MDC) is installed and activated. Indicate if the customer/supplier is of type MDC.

An MDC customer is defined by the supplying company and represents the demanding company to which sales orders are sent. Additional MDC information must be established on the MDC customer file (GDMD0291) panel.

An MDC supplier is defined by the demanding company and represents the supplying company to which purchase orders are sent. Additional MDC information must be established on the MDC supplier file (GDMD0301) panel.

Mandatory entry. Enter a language from the Language table. The language code controls in which language external documents shall be printed, e.g. statements of account, reminders and invoices. For the heading and footing texts to be printed on interest invoices, reminders and payment order reminders, you create the texts in the different languages in the text files. By using the language code, you can also select customers/suppliers by language when you print different lists.
Sundry number
Mandatory entry. Set this field to YES if this number shall be used as a common number for miscellaneous customers or suppliers that are seldomly used, and do not need all information about them entered in the Business partner file. Name and address information for a sundry customer or supplier is entered when you register a transaction for a sundry number. Set this field to NO if this is a normal customer or supplier. Note: If the customer/supplier is defined as an MDC customer/supplier, this field must be set to NO.
BP Structure
Indicates if this business partner belongs to a Business partner structure (i.e. assuming this application is active).
Internal cust/supp
Indicate if the customer/supplier is an internal replenishment customer/supplier. If you set this field to YES, a purchase order can automatically be created from an internal sales order. Note: If the customer/supplier is defined as an MDC customer/supplier, this field must be set to NO.
Creation date
Displays the creation date which is the date this customer and/or supplier was entered into the system for the first time.

Business partner file maintenance, Basic data (GDMD0022)

Related topics

On this panel you are able to categorise the customer/supplier that you are working with. The entries are used solely for statistical purposes.

Forward maintenance
If this panel is accessed from the Forward maintenance program then this panel will be titled Work with forward maintenance proposals, New values, Basic data.

Function keys

Displays the number of the business partner you are working with.
Category 1
Enter the category 1 from the Business partner categories 1 table.
Category 2
Enter the category 2 from the Business partner categories 2 table.
Category 3
Enter the category 3 from the Business partner categories 3 table.
Category 4
Enter the category 4 from the Business partner categories 4 table.
Category 5
Enter the category 5 from the Business partner categories 5 table.
Category 6
Enter the category 6 from the Business partner categories 6 table.
Print control
Optional entry. Not valid for MDC customers. Enter the code from the Business partner print control file indicating how external document information shall be presented on the printout for this business partner. The information connected to this code includes the print sequence, summarization of details, page break, contact information and footer information. See Standardize the layout/information on the printout for more information.
Location/ext owner
This field is only displayed if the STKOWNER (Stock Ownership) functionality is activated in the Function control file, and the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated. It is applicable for the physical warehouse for the Customer Deposit Stock (CDS) and Supplier Consignment Stock (SCS) inventory contract types. This field is used to override the set-up in the Work with warehouses file, in the event that the Location/ext owner field there is set to YES.

Set this field to YES if it is required to store the business partner’s goods in separate locations in the warehouse apart from own goods or other business partners goods. See Location handling for several external owners for more information.