The entries on this program are used in the Attachment mode table to indicate the instance to which the attachment mode belongs. When an attachment is created, the system will keep track of the program to which the attachment belongs, as well as which instance.
The program is preloaded at installation time with the following records:
- *ACCOUNT (if DC1 Financials is installed)
- *ITEM (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
- *MSDS (if DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling is installed)
- *PROJECT (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *PROPHAELE (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *PROPHASE (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *REQUEST (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
- *REQUISIT (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
Selection fields
- Type
- Displays a unique code that will identify the new record you are creating.
- Description
- Displays a description of the new record. For existing records, if a description has already been entered, it may be changed.
Work with attachment instance types (GCFD51604)
The entries on this program are used in the Attachment mode table to indicate the instance to which the attachment mode belongs. When an attachment is created, the system will keep track of the program to which the attachment belongs, as well as which instance.
The program is preloaded at installation time with the following records:
- *ACCOUNT (if DC1 Financials is installed)
- *ITEM (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
- *MSDS (if DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling is installed)
- *PROJECT (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *PROPHAELE (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *PROPHASE (if DC1 Manufacturing is installed)
- *REQUEST (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
- *REQUISIT (if DC1 Distribution is installed)
Function keys
- Instance type
- Description
- Lead text
- Enter the lead text for the instance type. The lead text is displayed in the header part of the Work with attachment panel.