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Work with A/R reminder proposals, All documents/Reminder amounts due (FKR43701)

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The panel presents a detailed overview of documents that are included in the selected reminder. Toggle All/Active/Inactive to display all documents or to only view the active or inactive documents. Toggle Shift amounts to show different totals. The panel sub-heading indicates which modes you are in.

From this panel you can activate or inactivate a document. Should you activate/inactivate a document here, then the status of the proposal will be updated on the Overview panel.

Note: If non-due documents are included in the proposal, documents that are due according to due date, but within grace days limit, are regarded as due at document sequence and reminder totals.

The DC1 UI Client Edit columns feature allows you to specify the exact information that you want to be displayed on the panel. Through the Change sequence function you have the possibility to specify the sort order of the documents to be presented on this panel.


Inactivate Select this option to inactivate a document.
Activate Select this option to activate a document. Note that you cannot activate a document that is inactivated due to a stop code. The stop code must be removed from the document first.
A/R trans enq Select this option to access the A/R transactions enquiry program.

Function keys

Shift amounts Toggle between showing the following:

  • Reminder amounts due
  • Remaining amounts (non-due included)
  • , or

  • Original amounts
  • Calculated interest amounts (if any)

The selected mode is indicated in the panel sub-heading.

Change/Display sequence Specify the sort order of the documents to be presented on this panel. The default sort sequence is on days in descending order plus on document type and number.
All/Active/Inactive Toggle between showing the following:

  • All documents
  • Only active documents
  • Only inactive documents

The selected mode is indicated in the panel sub-heading.

Selection fields

Displays the debtor number and internal name and the transaction currency of the document.
Displays the debtor’s contact person retrieved from the Customer file.
Sel date
Displays the date on which the reminders were created.
Displays the highest reminder degree for the debtor (from the reminder rule) and the related reminder’s degree (at reminder level).
Displays the total amount in transaction currency. Toggle Shift amounts to view the following totals:
  • Reminder amounts due (active and due documents; non-due excluded)
  • Remaining amounts (all documents’ remaining amount)
  • Original amounts (all documents’ original amount)
  • Interest amounts (all documents’ interest amount, if applicable)
Displays the document type.
Document no
Displays the document number.
Doc date
Displays the document date.
Due date
Displays the document due date.
Displays the number of overdue days.
A YES indicates that document text exists.
Displays the reminder stop code, if applicable.
Displays the reminder degree of the document.
Displays the document amount in transaction currency. Note that the reminder amount is zero if only non-due documents are included.
Displays the status of the document.

The following statuses are applicable:

Status Code Description
Document active and Reminder active: 0  
Document active, but Reminder inactive: 3 (still 0 in file)  
Document inactive: 1 or 2, depending on (latest) inactivation type: 1 = Manual
2 = Stop code
Document text
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the document header text.
Customer no
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the customer number of the document, if other than debtor.
Cost centre
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. If Cost centre handling is activated, displays the cost centre.
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. If Division handling is activated, displays the division.
Only shown if this column has been activated through the Edit columns feature. Displays the salesman and/or handler of the document.

Work with A/R reminder proposals, Change/Display sequence – Documents (FKR43711)

Related topics

On this panel you specify the order in which you want the documents to be presented on the previous panel. For example, if you define that you want the primary sequence to be in document date order, then the documents will be sequenced in the way that the oldest document date is listed first, etc.


Enter sequence 1 next to one of the following parameters to indicate the primary sort order: