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Work with resolution codes (HLR02201)

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On this panel you enter the resolution codes that will be used when a new request is being created. Each code identifies a solution to a particular request (i.e. return goods to customer, return to quality control, etc.). These codes are used for resolving problems or issues that arise with your business partners such as complaints and returns.

Process example


Action sequence Select this option to define the sequence in which the actions should be executed.
Translate Select this option to translate the resolution code description. The translated description will be printed on external documents.

Selection fields

Work with resolution codes (HLR02204)

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On this panel you define the resolution codes at the detail level.

Resolution code

Order ref mandatory
There are many cases in which a request is entered in relation to a request that has arisen together with a purchase, service or sales order; or with an invoice. In almost all cases, the ideal way of following up an order or invoice would be to have the order or invoice number available in the Work with requests and returns program. Set this field to YES or NO to control whether or not the order or invoice reference number must be entered into the program.
Resolution cost
This field is used to track the cost of customer complaints via the resolution code. Every time a request is entered, action must be taken which is defined by the resolution code for the request. To track how much it costs you to solve a request for the customer, enter the resolution cost.

Note: This cost is used to update records in the Balance file for balance type 084 (the applicable data for the balance type is updated when you run the Start periodical balance update routine). This balance type can then, in turn, be included in reports you create via the Profitability Analysis tool in DC1 Analyser and the DC1 Report Writer. Balance information can also be analysed in the Balances and transactions enquiry. See Track request costs for more information.

Cost per worked hour
This field is used to track the cost of the working hours spent to solve the request. To track how much it costs you for the time spent working to solve the request, enter the cost per worked hour.

Note: This cost is used to update records in the Balance file for balance type 084 (the applicable data for the balance type is updated when you run the routine Start periodical balance update). This balance type can then, in turn, be included in reports you create via the Profitability Analysis tool in DC1 Analyser and the DC1 Report Writer. Balance information can also be analysed in the Balances and transactions enquiry. See Track request costs for more information.

Sequence processing
Set to YES to indicate that this resolution can be processed as part of a sequence of events that can be used to resolve a situation. Set to NO to have the actions (defined for this resolution) executed all at once. Note: Actions are the commands that are performed in order to resolve each request (code).
Resolution handler
Optional entry. This field is used by DC1 Alert Management, which must be installed and activated, to identify the receiver if a message for this type of resolution code is created. Enter a user from the Signature table.
Plug-in program
Enter an external program that is called to evaluate if the resolution code is feasible, meaning to determine whether or not it should be used. Note: The plug-in program will only be called if the resolution code is defined for a request line.

Work with resolution codes, Copy (HLR02205)

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This panel displays all the records that you selected to copy.

Displays the source record.

New code
Enter the name that you wish to assign to your new record.

Work with resolution codes, Deletion (HLR02208)

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