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Work with supplier agreements, Details (DMR01501)

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This program allows you to maintain item-related supplier agreements. On this detail panel you can outline specific terms for certain items, and further define what pricing method to be used.

Item-related supplier agreements can only exist if they are connected to a general agreement, created on header level.


Function keys

Detail information View the following detail information specified in the agreement: Price, QDP, FOC, Target base, Target value, Target counter ord.

Selection fields

Displays the supplier you are working with.
Displays the agreement connected to the supplier you are working with.
The column heading differs depending on the key selected in the Item related key field on agreement header level.
This column displays the currency.
This column displays the unit.
Agreement base
This column displays one of the following codes from the Panel value control file if this item-related agreement should be based on a different value than specified in the header level agreement connected to the supplier you are working with.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
T The system will base the price calculations on the agreement’s validity period specified in the Valid from/to fields.
Q The system will base the price calculations on the agreement’s target base and value specified in the Target base/value fields. This is the default value when first entering the panel in add mode.
B The system will base the price calculations on both validity period and target value.
Valid from
If the Agreement base column is set to T or B, this column displays the starting date from which this item-related agreement is valid.
Valid to
If the Agreement base column is set to T or B, this column displays the ending date to which this item-related agreement is valid.
Target base
If the Agreement base column is set to Q or B, the equivalent field on the detail panel is mandatory. This column displays a code denoting what target value this item-related agreement should be based on.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
QT Quantity in stock unit
NS Net value in system currency
NP Net value in primary currency
GW Gross weight
NW Net weight
GV Gross volume
NV Net volume
Target value
This column displays a numeric value corresponding to the value in the Target base column to determine the limit of the agreement.
Target validation
This column displays O (ORDERED) or R (RECEIVED) denoting which target counter should be used when an item-related agreement is checked in the Price calculation routine. Whenever an item that received a price from an agreement is ordered or received, the specified counter accumulates the value.
Target counter ord
This column will automatically be updated when a purchase order line connected to this item-related agreement is entered.
Target counter rec
This column will automatically be updated when a purchase order line/goods reception connected to this item-related agreement is received.
This column displays the price for the item.
Ord val disc
This column displays the code from the Order value discount table for the order value discount. This enables you to have different discounts depending on the order line value.
Disc amount
This column displays a fixed amount to be deducted from the valid purchase price in the Item file.
Qty lim code
This column displays the quantity limit code.
Qty dep pric
This column denotes if volume prices and discounts are to be used.
This column denotes if the item is free-of-charge.
VAT based
This column denotes if the item-related key level is VAT based.
VAT included
This column denotes if VAT is included in the purchase price.
Limit pricing key
This column displays the limit pricing key.
Incl VAT% cd
This column displays a code from the VAT handling code table.
Price unit
This column is only available to display via the Edit columns feature if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. This column displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
This column displays the item description.

Work with supplier agreements, Details (DMR01507)

Related topics

On this panel you further define what pricing method is to be used when entering a purchase order for the selected item.

Function keys

Qty dep prices/discounts Access the Quantity limits panel where information regarding quantities and pricing/discounts is defined.
Displays the supplier your are working with.
Displays the agreement connected to the supplier you are working with.
Enter a code from the Item category/group table defined by the item-related key specified for this agreement. Note: The column heading differs depending on the key selected in the Item related key field on agreement header level.
Agreement base
Enter one of the following codes from the Panel value control file if this item-related agreement should be based on a different value than specified in the header level agreement connected to the supplier you are working with.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
T The system will base the price calculations on the agreement’s validity period specified in the Valid from/to fields.
Q The system will base the price calculations on the agreement’s target base and value specified in the Target base/value fields. This is the default value when first entering the panel in add mode.
B The system will base the price calculations on both validity period and target value.
Valid from
Enter the starting date from which this item-related agreement is valid. Mandatory entry if the Agreement base field is set to T or B.
Valid to
Enter the ending date to which this item-related agreement is valid. Mandatory entry if the Agreement base field is set to T or B.
Target base
This field is optional if the Agreement base field is set to T, and mandatory if the Agreement base field is set to Q or B. Enter a code indicating what target value this item-related agreement should be based on. If the agreement is time based (T), this field can be used as a follow-up.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
QT Quantity in stock unit
NS Net value in system currency
NP Net value in primary currency
GW Gross weight
NW Net weight
GV Gross volume
NV Net volume
Target value
Enter a numeric value corresponding to the value entered in the Target base field to determine the limit of the agreement.
Target validation
Set this field to O (ORDERED) or R (RECEIVED) to define which target counter should be used when an item-related agreement is checked in the Price calculation routine. Whenever an item that received a price from an agreement is ordered or received, the specified counter accumulates the value.
Target counter ord
This field will automatically be updated when a purchase order line connected to this item-related agreement is entered.
Target counter rec
This field will automatically be updated when a purchase order line/goods reception connected to this item-related agreement is received.
Pricing/Discount/Quantity dependent methods
Choose one of the following three pricing methods to be used in the supplier agreement. Complete the applicable fields for the valid method. Note: Only one pricing method can be entered per record.
Enter a new price for the selected item.
Enter a code from the Currency table. This field is mandatory if a price has been entered or Qty dep prices/discounts is clicked.
Enter a code from the Unit table. This field is mandatory if a price has been entered or Qty dep prices/discounts is clicked.
Price unit
Only displayed if the PRCUNIT (Price unit handling) function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the unit in which the price is presented. See About price unit handling for more information.
Ord val disc
Enter a code from the Order value discounts table. This enables you to have different discounts depending on the order line value. If a value is entered in the Disc amount field, this field must be blank.
Disc amount
Enter a fixed amount to be deducted from the valid purchase price in the Item file. If a value is entered in the Ord val disc field, this field must be blank.
Qty lim code
Enter a code from the Purchase limit codes table. Must be a limit of type quantity. If the Qty dep pric field is set to YES, this field must be blank.
Qty dep pric
Indicate if volume prices and discounts are to be used and click Qty dep prices/discounts to access the Quantity limits panel where you define the applicable limits.
Indicate if the entered record is free-of-charge. If set to YES, only the Price field is allowed to have a value.
Incl VAT% cd
Enter a code from the VAT handling code table. If the VAT included field is set to NO, this field must be blank.
VAT based
Indicate if this item-related key level is VAT based.
VAT included
Indicate if VAT is included in the purchase price. If set to YES, the Incl VAT% cd field must be completed.

Work with supplier agreements, Deletion (DMR01508)

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Work with supplier agreements, Quantity limits (DMR0511)

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This panel displays the different quantity limits set up for the selected item-related key.



Selection fields

Displays the supplier you are working with.
Displays the agreement related to the supplier you are working with.
Displays the item-related key for which you want to specify quantity dependent discounts and prices and the description. Note: The heading differs depending on the key selected in the Item related key field on agreement header level.
Quantity limit
This column displays the quantity that is to be valid in relation to either the discount percentage value or the price.
Discount %
This column displays a percentage that will be discounted on the basic purchase price specified in the Item file. If a value is displayed in the Price column, this column is blank.
This column displays a price that is valid for the defined quantity limit. If a value is displayed in the Discount % column, this column is blank.

Work with supplier agreements, Quantity limits (DMR01514)

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On this panel you define the different quantity dependent prices or discounts to be valid for the selected item-related key.

Displays the supplier you are working with.
Displays the agreement related to the supplier you are working with.
Displays the item-related key for which you want to specify quantity dependent discounts and prices and the description. Note: The heading differs depending on the key selected in the Item related key field on agreement header level.
Quantity limit
Mandatory entry. Enter the quantity that is to be valid in relation to either the discount percentage value or the price. If there is a predefined value in this field, it cannot be changed.
Discount %
Enter a percentage that will be discounted on the basic purchase price specified in the Item file. If a value is entered in the Price field, this field must be blank.
Enter a price that is valid for the defined quantity limit. If a value is entered in the Discount % field, this field must be blank.
Displays the monetary unit retrieved from the agreement detail panel.
Displays the unit retrieved from the agreement detail panel.

Work with supplier agreements, Deletion (DMR01515)

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