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Work with inflation account groups (GDMD17601)

Accounts to be revalued due to inflation, or deflation, are grouped together into inflation account groups. You may enter just one group or several groups. You may also use one inflation account or several inflation accounts.

Accounts to be revalued due to inflation, or deflation, are grouped together into inflation account groups. You may enter just one group or several groups. You may also use one inflation account or several inflation accounts.

Inflation accounts themselves may also be revalued.

Balances, in system currency, for accounts within a group are revalued by the same percentage and resulting amounts are posted to the same inflation account. It is possible to enter different percentages for different groups. For example, accounts belonging to group A are revalued by 5%, while accounts belonging to group B are revalued by 7%.

After you have entered your inflation account groups into this table, you connect the desired main accounts to an inflation account group in the Account file.

It is entirely the user’s responsibility to keep track of the inflation revaluation runs, when they should be performed and to what percentage.

Note: Whenever you need to withdraw an inflation accounting you can use the G/L journal elimination routine.


Selection fields

Account grp
This column lists the existing account groups.
This column lists the descriptions of the account groups.
Displays the inflation rate percentage, by which the accounts belonging to the corresponding account group should be revalued.

Work with inflation account groups (GDMD17604)

Accounts to be revalued due to inflation, or deflation, are grouped together into inflation account groups. You may enter just one group or several groups. You may also use one inflation account or several inflation accounts.

Inflation accounts themselves may also be revalued.

Balances, in system currency, for accounts within a group are revalued by the same percentage and resulting amounts are posted to the same inflation account. It is possible to enter different percentages for different groups. For example, accounts belonging to group A are revalued by 5%, while accounts belonging to group B are revalued by 7%.

After you have entered your inflation account groups into this table, you connect the desired main accounts to an inflation account group in the Account file.

It is entirely the user’s responsibility to keep track of the inflation revaluation runs, when they should be performed and to what percentage.

Note: Whenever you need to withdraw an inflation accounting you can use the G/L journal elimination routine.

Function keys

Account group
Revaluation rate %
Enter the inflation rate percentage, by which the accounts belonging to this account group should be revalued. A positive value means inflation, a negative value means deflation. 0% means that no revaluation will take place for this group, i.e. it will be excluded from the revaluation.
Inflation account
Enter the inflation account to which the amounts, in system currency, resulting from the revaluation shall be posted. Required and optional account parts, except the main account part, may be replaced with dots (.). Dotted account parts will be copied from the original account, that is being revalued.

Note: Control accounts cannot be used as inflation accounts.

Contra account
Enter the account to which the inflation account contra postings shall be posted. Required and optional account parts, except the main account part, may be replaced with dots (.). Dotted account parts will be copied from the original account, that is being revalued.

Note: Control accounts cannot be used as contra accounts.

Work with inflation account groups, Copy (GDMD17605)

Account grp
Displays the account group you selected to copy.

New account grp
Enter the new account group that you are creating.

Work with inflation account groups, Deletion (GDMD17608)