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Work with sales quotation (DMR40001)

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This is the initial panel for working with sales quotations.


Lines Select this option to access the sales quotation lines.
Copy to contract Select this option to copy a sales quotation of type 2 to a contract.
Copy to order Select this option to copy a sales quotation to a sales order.
Print quotation Select this option to print the sales quotation.
Line connection Select this option to access the line connections of the sales quotation.
Print pro forma invoice Select this option to print pro forma invoices for a sales quotation. See About Pro forma invoices for more information.

Function keys

View control Access the View controls window. From this window you can choose to display the sales quotations in ascending or descending order sequence.

Selection fields

This column displays the sales quotation number.
This column displays the version number of the sales quotation.
This column lists the sales quotation types.

Valid types are:

Type Description
1 The quotation normally results in an order when the quotation is accepted.
2 The quotation normally results in a contract.
3 This quotation type is used to identify a service quotation and can only be specified if DC1 Service is installed and activated.
4 This quotation type is similar to type 1, but it does not allow lost sales processing.

Note: When a type 4 quotation is copied to a sales order, the quotation line(s) remains open and can be copied again to a new sales order. Therefore type 4 can be used as a template.

This column lists the handler of the sales quotation.
This column lists the customer number of the sales quotation.
Customer name
This column displays the customer name.
This column displays the total value of the sales quotation lines, after deduction of quotation header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge quotation lines are not included.
Exp date
This column lists the expiry date of the sales quotation, i.e. last date for which the quotation is valid.
This column denotes if text is defined on the sales quotation header.
This column denotes the currency of the sales quotation.
Pricing date
This column denotes the date used to price the sales quotation.
Price list
This column lists the price list used for this sales quotation, if one has been defined for the customer in the Customer file.
This column lists the promotion, if at least one open sales promotion exists that is flagged for promotion pricing. When you enter a promotion, the sales quotation header is flagged as being promotion priced, and the entered promotion is used to price the lines on the sales quotation.
VAT based
This column denotes if this is a VAT based customer.
VAT handling code
This column lists the VAT handling code of the sales quotation.
Calculate insurance
This column denotes if the insurance is to be calculated by the system. The value is retrieved from the Customer file.
Insurance %
This column lists the insurance percentage if there is a record in the Insurance table that matches the Manner of transport and/or the Terms of delivery and/or the Customer number on this quotation.
Quotation date
This column displays the date when the quotation was entered in the system.
This column lists the warehouse code defined for the customer, which is automatically retrieved from the Sourcing policy table. The code is used as a default value when the sales quotation is copied to a sales order, but can be changed.
Order type
This column lists the sales order type that can be used to retrieve the correct sales price, if the order type is active as a key in the Sales pricing methods file. In addition, if a sales order will be created from the sales quotation, the order type defined here will be defaulted when copying the quotation to a sales order.
This column lists the salesman for this sales quotation.
This column lists the name of the contact person for this sales quotation.
This column lists the language code for this customer.
Text code
This column lists the code from the Standard text table, indicating the text to be displayed on the documents associated with this sales quotation.
Include demand
This column is only displayed if DC1 Manufacturing is installed and activated and indicates if the item lines connected to this sales quotation are to be included in the material requirement calculation (MRP). The item lines will only be included if the Sales quotation field is set to YES on the Material requirements planning (MRP) panel once the calculation is finished.
Terms of payment
This column lists the terms of payment code.
Description TOP
This column displays the description for the terms of payment code.
Credit days
This column lists, if any, the number of credit days allowed before which the invoice must be paid.
Terms of delivery
This column lists the terms of delivery code.
Description TOD
This column displays the description for the terms of delivery code.
Manner of transport
This column lists the manner of transport code.
Description MOT
This column displays the description for the manner of transport code.
Contract valid from
If the quotation is a type 2 (contract) sales quotation, this column displays the starting date from when the contract is valid.
Contract valid to
If the quotation is a type 2 (contract) sales quotation, this column displays the end date of the contract.
Contract base
If this quotation is a type 2 (contract) sales quotation, this column displays the contract base, which specifies whether the sales price quoted on the contract is strictly for the quantity of goods sold, time (service) or both.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
B Both quantity and time
T Time
Q Quantity
Sales tax
This column denotes if sales tax handling is used for the sales quotation.

Work with sales quotation, Deletion (DMR40008)

Related topics

Function keys

Repeat lost sale reason Repeat the entered lost sale reason code onto all selected records.

Lost sale reason
Enter a code from the Lost sale reason table to indicate why the sale quotation was lost.

Work with sales quotation, More selections (DMR40011)

Related topics

From this panel you can narrow down the transactions displayed by making selections. Scroll down for more selections.

Function keys


  • Quotation number
  • Quotation type
  • Handler
  • Customer
  • Expiry date
  • Order type
  • Salesman
  • Reference
  • Promotion
  • Text
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have text registered.
  • Copied
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have been copied to a contract.
  • Won lines
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have won lines, i.e. at least one line is marked with WON and with a line status of 60.
  • Lost lines
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have lost lines, i.e. at least one line is marked with LOST.
  • Open lines
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have open lines.
  • Sel lines
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have selected lines, i.e. at least one line is marked with WON and with a line status of 0.
  • Prt lines
    Set this field to YES if you want to display those sales quotations that have printed lines, i.e. at least one line that has been printed and sent to the customer.