Related topics
This panel displays the lines on the reception. If you need to change the backlog code, you do so here. The backlog code is displayed below the B column heading, but can be updated for each line. It is important to be aware, however, that if you change the setting from NO to YES in this program and the Backlog code in the Purchase order header is set to NO, an error message will be displayed. If this line should be backlogged, the backlog code on the Order header panel in the Purchase order maintenance routine must be changed to YES. From this panel you can also access the line details, or maintain the purchase order. For the backlog code rules concerning MDC, see the description in the B field.
If a return to supplier, the following will be executed:
- Cost price will be calculated for each record
- Bookkeeping transactions will be summarised and created for the whole order line.
If a transit BtB order, batch records will be created for the corresponding sales order line and updated in the transit quantity fields in the Batch file.
When batches are transferred to the BtB sales order, the Transit reserved quantity will also be updated in the Batch file for the sales order line record.
If landed cost is required for the order lines, as defined by the terms of delivery code on the order header, the Work with landed costs program can be accessed from this panel. Depending on if the lines on the reception note are included in a shipment or not, one or two function keys are displayed which can be used for defining landed cost. These are Distributed costs and Discrete costs.
If landed costs are required, the await cost check function can also apply for one, or all, order lines on the reception note.
Note: If this reception note was not created from a shipment and the Await cost check field in the Order line landed cost file differs for the order lines on this reception note, you cannot continue to process the reception. The Await cost check field has to be set to either YES for all order lines or NO for all order lines. Use the Purchase order maintenance routine to access the Work with landed costs program where the field can be changed.
Details | Select this option to access the Detail lines panel where you can enter/change the reception quantity for batch controlled, serial number controlled and DC1 Warehouse Management controlled items and then confirm. From that panel you can select an option to create a duplicate reception line if, e.g., you need to receive two different batches and thus need to add a second batch, or when one suggested reception line needs to be received from two different locations instead of the one suggested. |
Maintain order | Select this option to maintain the purchase order. |
Display errors | Select this option to view errors for any transactions sent from an external client, e.g., Iptor WM1. Examples of errors are:
All transactions sent from an external client are stored in the WMS transaction log file. Depending on the type of error, you can manually correct the error in this Work with receptions routine if applicable, or click the Retry option from the WMS transaction log (for the transaction) if the DC1 WMS Interface application is activated. If the error is caused because of a lack of information, the error should ideally be corrected in the external client if possible; else in this Work with receptions routine after communication with the warehouse personnel. |
Catch weight | This option is only displayed if the CTCH-WGT (Catch weight handling) function is activated in the Function control file. If the order line for the reception is flagged for Catch weight handling it will be mandatory to report the catch weight quantity. The Catch weight panel will automatically be displayed after you enter the received quantity on this panel and click the Confirm function key. However, if you want to enter the catch weight quantity before confirming the received quantity on this panel, select this option to access the Work with receptions, Catch weights panel. See About catch weight handling for price units for more information. |
Function keys
Create shipment | Create a shipment for this reception note. Note: You can only create a shipment if the order line(s) on the reception note require landed costs to be defined.
Note: This function key is not displayed if:
Distributed costs | This function key is only displayed if the order line(s) are included in a shipment which requires landed costs. Maintain distributed landed costs. |
Discrete costs | This function key is only displayed if the lines on the reception note require landed costs. Maintain discrete landed costs. |
Confirm | Select this option to perform the reception update for the reception number according to entered quantities. |
Full reception | Click to:
Header | Access the reception header. |
- Reception
- Displays the reception number.
- Warehouse
- Displays the warehouse for the reception.
- Rec line
- This column lists the reception line number.
- Order
- This column lists the order number for the reception.
- Line
- This column lists the order line number for the reception.
- Rec date
- This column lists the reception date (i.e. the planned arrival date) from the supplier.
- Unit
- This column lists the order unit for the item.
- Qty ord/Qty disp
- The information in this column differs between displaying the ordered quantity defined on the purchase order line and the dispatched quantity from the corresponding IRO sales order line. The column heading for dispatched quantity is displayed when a reception note for an internal replenishment order is confirmed. Note: This column is not displayed if you are confirming a return list.
- Qty ship
- Only displayed if the reception note was created from an inbound shipment. Displays the quantity defined on the shipment line.
- Qty rec
- Enter the received quantity for normal items or click the Full reception function key to move the suggested quantity to this field. Note: If the item is defined as batch controlled, serial number or DC1 Warehouse Management controlled, the reception quantity cannot be entered here. Click the Details option to access the Details panel where you can enter the received quantity.
- B/S
- If a batch exists for the order line, a plus sign (+) is displayed for the line. To change the batch, click the Details option to access the Details panel where the batch lines will be displayed with the possibility to change the batches.
If serial numbers exist for the order line, a plus sign (+) is displayed for the line. To change the serial number, select the Details option to access the Details panel where the serial number lines will be displayed with the possibility to change the serial numbers.
- B
- Indicate if the order line should be put on back order if not received in full. The default is retrieved from the Purchase order file, but can be changed. Note: If you change the setting from NO to YES in this program and the Backlog code in the Purchase order header is set to NO, an error message will be displayed. If this line should be backlogged, the backlog code on the Order header panel in Work with purchase orders must be changed to YES.
The possibility exists to do a partial reception without backlogging the order line. See the PR field below.
Handling of backlog code for MDC:
The rules for the backlog code (they are the same regardless if it is MDC/BtB or MDC/Stock replenishment) include:Backlog is decided in the Supplying company and is therefore protected from input here. Note that the actual back order creation has not been performed in the Supplying company. It will be performed during the reception of the MDC purchase order.
Exceptions if MDC between different releases:
If Supplying company is lower than release 7.00, backlog is not supported during reception. It will be performed during picking/invoicing. Backlog code is defaulted to NO.
- PR
- This column denotes if the line is a partial reception, i.e. if it is the last reception on the reception line or not. Valid values are:
Value Description *NO (i.e. blank) Reception number will be updated and closed and backlog order line will be created if the B column (i.e. backlog) is set to YES. *YES (i.e. checkmark) Reception will be made on the same reception number again without creating backlog order line.
- E
- This column denotes if the reception validation for any transactions sent from an external client, e.g., Iptor WM1, ended in error during the confirmation validation. Click the Display errors option to view the errors.
Examples of errors are:
- The order is being held by another user.
- The reception lacks information (e.g., a batch item was sent but the batch ID was not supplied).
All transactions sent from an external client are stored in the WMS transaction log file. Depending on the type of error, you can manually correct the error in this Work with receptions routine if applicable, or click the Retry option from the WMS transaction log (for the transaction) if the DC1 WMS Interface application is activated. If the error is caused because of a lack of information, the error should ideally be corrected in the external client if possible; else in this Work with receptions routine after communication with the warehouse personnel.
- Item
- This column lists the item on the reception line.
Shipment creation (DSR50104)
This window prompts if you clicked Create shipment and allows you to create a shipment for this reception note.
Normally shipments are created before the goods arrive at the warehouse. This is done via the Work with inbound shipments menu item. Shipments can be used to print a reception note containing purchase order lines from several purchase orders.
Creating a shipment in this routine can be useful if you want to book costs, such as freight and duty, later because you do not have all cost information available now.
- Shipment ID
- Enter a shipment ID. The system will default a shipment ID as: P8888888/R9999999, where 8888888 is the purchase order number and 9999999 is the reception note number. For example: P0082602/R0090985
- Shipping agent
This field is optional and only used for informational purposes.
- Shipment description
- Defaults with the Auto-Crt text but can be changed. Enter a text describing the shipment.
- Handler
- Displays your handler retrieved from the User profile table, but can be changed.
- Await cost check
- Indicates if cost booking should be done after the reception is confirmed.