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Item file maintenance, Item search fields (DMR01801)

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This panel displays the search fields that have been set up/generated in your system.


Function keys

Selection fields

Displays the text you can enter in the Item file enquiry to find an item.
The type is used to identify the different fields in the Item file, in which you want to be able to search. The Item search field control table contains the types which all correspond to a field in the Item file. For example, type 15 means the Main supplier field.

Item file maintenance, Item search fields (DMR01804)

Related topics

On this panel you manually enter any required search fields.

Function keys

Displays the item number and description.

Displays the type from the Item search field control table, which corresponds to a field in the Item file, in which you want to be able to search. For example, type 15 means the Main supplier field.

Normally the search fields are created automatically when new items are entered, which means you do not need to enter search fields manually on this panel. In the Item search field control table you define which search field should automatically be created. If Build is set to YES, the system will take care of the generation of search word(s) for the applicable search field type hence manual entry of values for the applicable field type shall not be allowed. No manual override is allowed in this file for those search words.

When manually adding search fields for those search field types that allow it (Build is set to NO), the window for search field type will only display the types with Build set to NO in the Item search field control table. Note: You should enter alphanumeric search field types here, since types 00-99 are predefined by the system and automatically created when you add new items or when the Rebuild item search fields program is run. Search fields of types 89 (Item characteristic) and 90 (Characteristic value) are not allowed to be entered manually, as these search words are normally exclusively generated by the system via the Item classification functionality.


If the Type is 11 (item description) and the Search field is WAGON, it means you can enter WAGON in one of the search fields in Item file enquiry to find all items with the description WAGON.
If you enter WAG in Item file enquiry, you will find all items with the starting characters of WAG in the item description.

Note: If the item description is X47BE RED WAGON, three search fields will be created: X47BE, RED and WAGON. In addition, the Search field delimiter table controls which characters should be ignored by the search field creation.

Search field
Displays the text you want to be able to search for in Item file enquiry. (Refer the description and example in the previous Type field).

Item file maintenance, Item search fields, Copy (DMR01805)

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Displays the search field you selected to copy.
Displays the type connected to the search field that you selected to copy.

New type
Enter the new type for the search field you are manually creating.

Item file maintenance, Item search fields, Deletion (DMR01808)

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