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Business partner search alternatives in DC1

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DC1 provides you with the following alternatives for looking up business partners:

  • Clicking the window prompt in any business partner related field (i.e. Customer, Supplier or Debtor). You access the Select business partners window where you can start your search. See Select business partners window below for the different search alternatives.
  • Accessing the Business partner enquiry program.
  • Entering an invalid business partner code in any business partner related field (i.e. Customer, Supplier or Debtor) and clicking OK. You access the Select business partners window where you can start your search. See Select business partners window below for the different search alternatives.

Select business partners window

The following functionality can be set up and used to find business partners.

Business partner file search fields

Most fields in the Business partner file can be used as search criteria to look up customers and suppliers. The standard searchable fields are preloaded in the BP search field controls table when the system is installed. You set the Build flag to YES in that table if you want the search field to be created automatically in the Business partner file when you add business partners. You also have the possibility to manually create additional search fields which, however, have to be manually maintained for each business partner as they are not linked to any existing field in the Business partner file.

The Business partner file search fields are displayed in the:

  • Select business partners window after clicking the window prompt in any Customer/Supplier related field to look up the business partner
  • Initial panel of Work with business partners
  • Business partner enquiry

Attribute search fields

You can search for your business partners and business partner addresses via user-defined, attribute-related search fields (see related topics below). They can be seen as a complement to the Business partner file search fields that are automatically generated for a business partner as there could be situations when the end-user requires other search fields than the Business partner file ones automatically generated. Unlike the Business partner file search fields, there is a dedicated panel, (accessed via the Select business partners window and by clicking the Attribute search) function key, that lists the search alternatives available. See About attribute search handling in DC1 for more information.

Default search mode

The system may have been configured to access the Select business partners window in a default search mode, (applicable only for the below-mentioned routines/programs), thereby determining how the initial search for business partners should be performed if you entered an invalid business partner code.

If the BPDFTSCH (Business partner default search mode) function has been activated in the Function control file and the above situation occurred, then the initial search is determined by the code defined for the function accordingly.

The default search mode functionality is only available when you are working in the following routines/programs:

  • Work with sales orders, create new order
  • Work with orders in error, order header main customer information
  • Work with sales orders, invoice address and debtor address
  • Work with sales orders, order line additional information 2 (for supplier)
  • Work with sales quotations, customer number
  • Work with sales quotations, line detail (for supplier)

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