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Work with business partner/item templates (GDMD82101)

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The title of this panel differs depending on from where it was accessed. If working with business partner templates, the panel title is Work with business partner templates. If working with item templates, the panel title is Work with item templates.

This panel displays the existing table records that have been set up in your system. You can add, change or delete records. When you first access this panel, all templates are displayed. Click the Change mode function key to toggle between viewing the templates in different modes.


Function keys

Change mode Toggle between viewing the templates in the following modes:

  • All templates (default view mode)
  • Maintenance templates
  • Print templates (this mode is only applicable for item templates). This will only display the templates that have those particular attributes activated.
Maintain template security Maintain template security for the panels in the Business partner/Item files.

Selection fields

Work with business partner/item templates (GDMD82104)

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On this panel the templates used in the Business partner/Item file maintenance programs and Business partner/Item file enquiries are maintained. The panels that are to be included in each template are selected, and the sequence in which they are displayed is defined.

Default values can be added to the templates by entering predefined values in certain fields. Fields can also be write protected, this way ensuring that the predefined values defined here cannot be changed.

By using defaults you do not have to enter information that is the same for a large group of business partners or items during maintenance. You can also protect predefined information that shall not be changed when adding new business partners or items.

Function keys

Maintain defaults Maintain default values for the panels in the Business partner/Item files.


Template secured
The default is NO. Set this field to YES if this template shall be secured, i.e. if only users that are given access to the template shall be allowed to use it.
Maint/enquiry template
Indicate if this template is valid for maintenance and enquiry.
Print template
This field is only applicable for item templates. Indicate if the template is allowed to be used when printing an item list via the Print items menu item.
Enter a sequential number for each panel you want to include in the template, thereby defining in which order they are to appear when you use the template. You must not skip any numbers, and you must start with number 1. For any template that is to be used when you add new business partners and items, the panel with basic data information must be included, and it must have sequence number 1.
This field is only displayed for Business partner file templates and if the panel has YES for the Auto generation field in the Template control table. Set this field to YES if the values for fields on this panel (with this template) should automatically be created from the defaults. This means that when you maintain a business partner using this template, this panel will never be displayed for maintenance. Note: If a default value for the panel is in error, this panel will be displayed during Business partner file maintenance.
You can enter a default for the panels you include in the template. The default has predefined values for different data that you must otherwise complete yourself when adding business partners and items in the Business partner/Item files. By clicking Maintain defaults you can maintain established defaults or add new ones for each panel.

Note: You cannot create defaults for all panels. The ones that are excluded contain information that is specific for each business partner or item, and shall be entered manually.

Work with business partner/item templates, Copy (GDMD82110)

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Displays the template you selected to copy.
New template
Enter the new code for the template you are creating and click OK.

Work with business partner/item templates, Deletion (GDMD82110)

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