Code | Description |
*APDOC | A/P Document (DC1 Financials) |
*ARDOC | A/R Document (DC1 Financials) |
*ARREM | Reminder texts (DC1 Financials) |
*CFGBOR | Configurator bill of routing (DC1 Configurator) |
*CFGITEM | Configurator item (DC1 Configurator) |
*CFGITMBOM | Configurator item bill of material (DC1 Configurator) |
*CFGITMBOR | Configurator item bill of routing (DC1 Configurator) |
*CFGSIM | Configurator simulation (DC1 Configurator) |
*CUSCON | Customer contract (DC1 Distribution) |
*DGH | Dangerous Goods handling (DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling) |
*INTINV | Interest invoice texts |
*ITEMBOM | Item bill of material (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*ITEMBOR | Item bill of routing (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*ITEMNOTMO | Item note, manufacturing order (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*ITEMNOTPO | Item note, purchase order (DC1 Distribution) |
*ITEMNOTSO | Item note, sales order (DC1 Distribution) |
*LETTER | MSDS Letter (DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling) |
*MORHDR | Manufacturing order header (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*MORMTRL | Manufacturing order material (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*MOROPER | Manufacturing order operation (DC1 Manufacturing) |
*NAMENOTPO | Name note, purchase order (DC1 Distribution) |
*NAMENOTSO | Name note, sales order (DC1 Distribution) |
*NODSCSATH | DSCSA Transaction history (DC1 Pharma) |
*NODSCSATS | DSCSA Transaction statement (DC1 Pharma) |
*PGMSRC | Program source (DC1 General) |
*PRJBOM | Project bill of material (DC1 Project) |
*PRJBOR | Project bill of routing (DC1 Project) |
*PRJELEM | Project phase element (DC1 Project) |
*PRJHDR | Project header (DC1 Project) |
*PRJPHASE | Project phase (DC1 Project) |
*PURORDHDR | Purchase order header (DC1 Distribution) |
*PURORDLIN | Purchase order line (DC1 Distribution) |
*REQHDREXT | Requisition header, external text (DC1 Distribution) |
*REQHDRINT | Requisition header, internal text (DC1 Distribution) |
*REQLINEXT | Requisition line, external text (DC1 Distribution) |
*REQLININT | Requisition line, internal text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQHDREXT | Request for quote header, external text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQHDRINT | Request for quote header, internal text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQLINEXT | Request for quote line, external text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQLININT | Request for quote line, internal text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQSUPEXT | Request for quote line supplier, external text (DC1 Distribution) |
*RFQSUPINT | Request for quote line supplier, internal text (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALCSHHDR | Cash sales order header (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALCSHLIN | Cash sales order line (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALINVHDR | Sales invoice header (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALINVLIN | Sales invoice line (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALORDHDR | Sales order header (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALORDLIN | Sales order line (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALQUTHDR | Sales quotation header (DC1 Distribution) |
*SALQUTLIN | Sales quotation line (DC1 Distribution) |
*STANDARD | Standard texts |
*SUPAGR | Supplier agreement (DC1 Distribution) |
*SUPQUTHDR | Supplier quotation header (DC1 Distribution) |
*SUPQUTLIN | Supplier quotation line (DC1 Distribution) |
*SVCACD | Service action description (DC1 Service) |
*SVCAGR | Service agreement (DC1 Service) |
*SVCJOB | Service job (DC1 Service) |
*SVCOBJEXT | Service object, external text (DC1 Service) |
*SVCOBJINT | Service object, internal text (DC1 Service) |
*SVCQUTJOB | Service quotation job (DC1 Service) |
*SVCRCDKIT | Service recommended kit (DC1 Service) |
*SVCTIMTRA | Service time transaction (DC1 Service) |
*SVCWAR | Service warranty (DC1 Service) |
Note: Even if one or several applications are not installed, for example DC1 Manufacturing, this table is preloaded with the records belonging to those applications.
Connected documents | Select this option to work with the documents connected to the text type. |
Translate | Select this option to update/view the Table translation file. The field displayed can be translated to any valid language defined in the Language table. |
Selection fields
Work with document text types (GDMD3804)
The entries in this table are used in several programs within the DC1 system when free text is added to a record in a file. For example, free text can be created for a sales order line if DC1 Distribution is installed. When text is added, the system will keep track of the type of document to which the text belongs. In addition, text belonging to a particular type of document can be retrieved to another type of document.
Function keys
- Document text type
Note: This field can only be completed when you are adding a new document text type.
- Description
- Application code
- Enter a code from the Application definition table, indicating to which application the text type belongs.
- Multiple text sets
- Set this field to YES or NO indicating if more than one text set can be created per document, for this document text type.
For one sales order line in DC1 Distribution, the following text should be printed on the pick list: “Item should be picked from location G”. For the same sales order line, the following text should be printed on both the pick list and the invoice: “The item should be kept apart from others”.
To be able to create these two texts, this field has to be defined with YES for the document text type *SALORDLIN.
Note: For Document Text Type *DGH this field is set to NO when system supplied and must NOT be changed.
- Multiple languages
- Indicate if a texts can be defined with another language than the system language. Note: For Document Text Type *DGH this field is set to NO when system supplied and must NOT be changed.
- Print text set
- Enter one of the following:
Code Description *ALL If several versions exist of the same text set and you want to print all versions when the actual document is printed, enter *ALL *LAST If several versions exist of the same text set and you only want to print the last version when the actual document is printed, enter *LAST
- Parameter 1 – 3
- Displays, in the fields below, the parameters that will be displayed in the header part of the panel when text is entered, to identify the document to which the text is connected. One, or several, of the parameters is also used when text is retrieved to a document, to position in a listing. Note: Allowed values are 1 to 35.
- Length 1 – 3
- Displays the field length of each parameter.
- Type 1 – 3
- Enter A if the field is an alphanumeric field. Enter N if the field is a numeric field.
Work with document text types, Copy (GDMD3805)
- New text type
- Enter the name of the text type(s) to which you are copying.