This printout forms the basis for the financial transactions, which must be manually entered in DC1 Financials for the declaration of Intrastat. If moving goods between different warehouses within EU member states, this printout adds all different movements for one period. A variety of sequence and selection parameters are available when defining the information to be included on this printout.
- Trader country
- Dispatch country
- Customer
- Stat procedure
- From warehouse
- To warehouse
- Item
- Commodity code
E/S stock movement printout (DIR60302)
On this panel you select the parameters to be included on the printout.
- Trader country
- Dispatch country
- Customer
- Stat procedure
- From warehouse
- To warehouse
- Nature of trans
- Item
- Commodity code
- Report period
E/S stock movement printout (DIR60303)
On this panel you define the printing parameters.