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Work with calendar IDs (GDMD16001)

This panel displays the calendar IDs that have been defined to be used within the system. Calendars are used in:

  • DC1 Distribution for validation of dispatch and arrival times
  • DC1 Manufacturing for production planning
  • DC1 Financials for validation of payment days

When the values for working days and non-working days are defined, the calendar has to be created. This is done by clicking Create calendar from the detail panel of a calendar ID. When the calendar is created, you can maintain it here as well as via the Work with calendars menu item. Note: If maintenance of existing calendars is done via this program, you must update the calendar in Work with calendars in order for the calendar to be operational.

When a calendar is created, and not copied from another calendar, the system uses the base calendar, supplied with the DC1 system, from which all days are copied. The base calendar starts with January 1 year 1900, and ends with December 31 year 2099. All days are copied to the new calendar and information about working days and non-working days are updated. Note: The base calendar cannot be maintained.

When a company is generated within the DC1 system, the calendar *DFT is loaded in this program. If you want to use it, you have to define the default values for working days and non-working days, as well as create (generate) it.


Note: If the calendar is created, then the calendar ID cannot be deleted here. You have to access Work with calendars and delete-mark the calendar ID together with the created calendar from that program.

Non-working days Select this option to maintain exceptions from common working days.

Selection fields

This column lists the existing calendar IDs.

Indicates for each calender ID if the calendar is created.

Work with calendar IDs (GDMD16004)

When the values for working days and non-working days are defined, the calendar has to be created. This is done by clicking Create calendar on this panel. When the calendar is created, you can maintain it here as well as via the Work with calendars menu item. Note: If maintenance of existing calendars is done via this current program, you must update the calendar in Work with calendars in order for the calendar to be operational. Additionally, deletion of a calendar can only be made in that program.

When a calendar is created, and not copied from another calendar, the system uses the base calendar, supplied with the DC1 system, from which all days are copied. The base calendar starts with January 1 year 1900, and ends with December 31 year 2099. All days are copied to the new calendar and information about working days and non-working days are updated. Note: The base calendar cannot be maintained.

When a company is generated within the DC1 system, the calendar *DFT is loaded in this program. If you want to use it, you have to define the default values for working days and non-working days, as well as create (generate) it.

Function keys

Create calendar Only displayed if the calendar has not been created yet. Create the calendar.

Calendar ID

Default values

In this section, you define default values within a week for the calendar ID.

Work day
Indicate if this day as default is a working day. Note: You can define exceptions from common working days by clicking Maintain non-working days for the calendar ID on the main panel.
Enter the default capacity in hours for this day. Note: You can define exceptions from normal capacity per day in the Calendar file.

Work with calendar IDs, Copy (GDMD16005)

Calendar ID
Displays the calendar ID(s) you selected to copy.

New calendar ID
Enter the new calendar ID that you are creating.

Work with calendar IDs, Deletion (GDMD16008)