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VAT handling code conversion (FIGD5501)


This panel displays a list of the VAT handling codes that will be converted when transferring transactions from pre-systems (OpusCapita or Analyste) to DC1. The VAT handling codes in the pre-system transactions will be replaced by the new VAT handling codes that are displayed on this panel.

Selection fields

Code from
This column lists the VAT handling codes that will be converted.
Code to
This column lists the VAT handling codes that will replace the corresponding VAT handling codes listed in the Code from column.
This column lists the descriptions or comments entered for the VAT handling codes.

VAT handling code conversion (FIGD5504)

On this panel you enter the details required for VAT handling conversion.

Function keys

VAT handl code from
Enter the VAT handling code that will be converted.
VAT handl code to
Enter the VAT handling code which will replace the corresponding VAT handling code in the VAT handl code from field.
Enter text or comments.