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Work with insurances (DIR05001)

This program is used to automatically calculate insurance costs in Sales order entry or after Picking.

You define the percentages to be used in the insurance calculation on the customer level. If the Calculate insurance field in the Customer file is set to YES, the system automatically retrieves the correct percentage during sales order entry.


Selection fields

This column lists the customer numbers for which insurance percentages are defined.
This column lists the manners of transport for which insurance percentages are defined.
This column lists the terms of delivery for which insurance percentages are defined.
Displays the insurance percentage for the corresponding customer number, manner of transport and terms of delivery.

Work with insurances (DIR05004)

This program is used to automatically calculate insurance costs in Sales order entry or after Picking.

You define the percentages to be used in the insurance calculation on the customer level. If the Calculate insurance field in the Customer file is set to YES, the system automatically retrieves the correct percentage during sales order entry.

The field is optional if either Manner of transport or Terms of delivery is entered on this panel. You can enter a customer number or leave this field blank. If, for example, you enter a customer number and leave the Manner of transport and Terms of delivery fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for this customer, independent of MOT and TOD on the sales orders to this customer. This is on the assumption that the Calc insur field for the sales order, on the Shipping information panel is set to YES.
Manner of transport
This field is optional if either Customer or Terms of delivery is entered on this panel. You can enter a code from Work with manners of transport or leave the field blank. If, for example, you enter a MOT code and leave the Customer and Terms of delivery fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for all sales orders, independent of Customer number and Terms of delivery if the manner of transport on the order matches. This is on the assumption that the Calc insur field for the sales order on the Shipping information panel is set to YES.
Terms of delivery
This field is optional if either Manner of transport or Customer is entered on this panel. You can enter a code from the Terms of delivery table or leave the field blank. If, for example, you enter a TOD code and leave the Customer and Manner of transport fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for all sales orders, independent of Customer number and Manner of transport, if the terms of delivery on the order matches. This is on the assumption that the Calc insur field for the sales order on the Shipping information panel is set to YES.
Insurance %
Enter the insurance percentage. The insurance value is calculated on the invoice as:

Insurance % * total of the order lines / 100

Work with insurances, Copy (DIR05005)

Displays the customer number(s) you selected to copy.
Displays the manner(s) of transport you selected to copy.
Displays the terms of delivery you selected to copy.

New customer
Enter the customer number for the new insurance percentage you are defining.
Enter the manner of transport for the new insurance percentage you are defining.
Enter the terms of delivery for the new insurance percentage you are defining.

Work with insurances, Deletion (DIR05008)