Related topics
All of the price lists that are available in your system are listed on this panel. You also have the option to add new price lists, copy existing, and change, or delete, existing ones.
Change | Select this option to change a record. |
Copy | Select this option to copy a record. |
Delete | Select this option to delete a record. |
Display | Select this option to view a record. |
Items | Select this option to view/work with the items in a price list. On this level you define the actual sales prices per item/currency and unit combination per single period, or multiple periods via validity dates (from to dates). |
Print items | Select this option to print the item details in a price list. |
Selection fields
- List
- This column lists the sales price list codes.
- Description
- This column lists the descriptions of the sales price list codes.
- Main dsc
- A price list could be connected to a sales pricing method (type = normal), contract or promotion; all of which could hold discounts. This column lists the code for YES if all discounts from the main pricing source should be picked up for this price list.
- Chain dsc
- This column is set to YES if chain discounts can be applied on top of prices and discounts generated from this sales price list.
- Promotions
- This column is set to YES if the sales price list is eligible for promotional pricing, i.e. being allowed to be compared against prices from sales promotions.
- Order sum dsc
- This column is set to YES if order summary discounts can be applied on top of prices and discounts generated from this sales price list.
Work with sales price lists or Sales price lists enquiry (DIR03904)
On this panel you enter/view the price list number and description. You also indicate if any chain discounts and/or order summary discounts (defined in the Sales pricing methods file) are allowed to be applied on top of any prices and discounts generated from the sales price list.
- Price list
- Main discounts
- A price list could be connected to a sales pricing method (type = normal), contract or promotion; all of which could hold discounts. If you want to prevent any discounts from the main pricing source from being picked up for this price list (other than the ones flagged with YES below for this price list) set this flag to NO. If you want all discounts from the main pricing source to be picked up for this price list, set this flag to YES.
- Chain discounts
- This field is only displayed if the Chain discount field is set to YES in the DIS control file.
Set this flag to YES if chain discounts can be applied on top of prices and discounts generated from this sales price list. The actual chain discounts to be applied are set up in the Sales pricing method file as type C (Chain discount).
Note: The value you set in this field only acts as a default value that will we picked up in the equivalent field on Item level (Work with sales price list, Items panel) when you add new items to the price list. It is the value on item level that controls if chain discounts are to be applied. Thus, that might differ from the header value here if the user changes it. If you change the code from YES to NO here, it will not have any impact on existing sales prices within the price list.
- Promotions
- Set this flag to YES if the sales price list is eligible for promotional pricing, i.e. being allowed to be compared against prices from sales promotions. When a price is automatically retrieved for a sales order line, the retrieved price will be compared to the pricing from a sales promotion, if such promotion pricing exists, to get the lowest price. If this flag is set to NO, no comparison against promotion pricing will take place.
- Order summary disc
- This field is only displayed if the Order summary disc field is set to YES in the DIS control file.
Set this flag to YES if order summary discounts can be applied on top of prices and discounts generated from this sales price list. The actual discounts to be applied are set up in the Sales pricing method file as type O (Order line summary discount) and/or H (Header discount).
Note: The value you set in this field only acts as a default value that will we picked up in the equivalent field on Item level (Work with sales price list, Items panel) when you add new items to the price list. It is the value on item level that controls if order summary discounts are to be applied. Thus, that might differ from the header value here if the user changes it. If you change the code from YES to NO here, it will not have any impact on existing sales prices within the price list.
Work with sales price lists, Copy (DIR03905)
This panel displays all the records that you selected to copy. Click OK to copy. Click Back to cancel.
- List
- Displays the sales price list you selected to copy.
- Description
- Displays the description of the sales price list code.
- New list
- Enter the new sales price list.
- Include historic period
- This flag determines which prices to copy for the items, and is set to NO by default. If you leave the default NO setting, then only current prices that have a date interval will be copied. If you change it to YES, then both current as well as all prices for historic periods will be copied.
Work with sales price lists, Deletion (DIR03908)
Work with sales price lists, Print (DIR03911)
This panel displays all the records you selected to print. Press OK/Enter to proceed. Press Back to cancel.