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Work with internal repl suggestions, Lines (DIR52101)

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This panel displays the suggestion lines for this internal replenishment suggestion. You can e.g. add, change or delete entries, by using different options.


OK mark Select this option to mark the suggestion lines as OK. This option is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated.
Transfer Select this option to transfer the suggestion lines.
Fair share Select this option to apply fair share handling to the suggestion lines. In the Fair share routine, you define the new quantity of a selected item that you are to deliver from and to a warehouse. The new quantity is based on the available quantity.

Function keys

Fair share Access the Fair share handling routine for the selected internal replenishment suggestion. In this routine you define the new quantity of a selected item that you are delivering to, and from, the warehouse. The new quantity is based on the available quantity. This function key is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated.
Review codes/Resequence There can be two different functions behind this function key, Review codes, and Resequence. If both functions are valid, click More functions to toggle between the functions.

Review codes
This function key is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Select purchase suggestion lines with specific review codes. By choosing certain review codes to work with, you can narrow down the selection on this panel.

If you have created manual purchase suggestion lines, and want to re-sequence the line numbers, click Resequence. They will be re-sequenced in item order. This is the same sequence that the lines are normally created in.

More functions This function key is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Toggle between the Review codes and Resequence function keys.

Selection fields

From warehouse
Displays the warehouse from which the goods for the selected internal replenishment suggestion are to be transported.
Suggestion number
Displays the number of the selected internal replenishment suggestion.
Total value
Displays the total value amount in the currency of this internal replenishment suggestion.
Review status
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Indicates if you need to review any lines for the selected internal replenishment suggestion.
Displays the number of the suggestion line.
Displays the item belonging to the suggestion line.
Displays the warehouse attributed to the suggestion line.
Displays the quantity attributed to the suggestion line. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
Indicates the unit for the item. This value is defined on the Item file maintenance, System units panel.
Displays the expected arrival date for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line. (Expected arrival = creation date + lead time + transport time.)
Indicates whether this is a line marked for review or not. Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated.
Displays a description of the record.
Avail qty (from whs)
Displays the available quantity for the From warehouse associated with the Internal replenishment suggestion.
On hand (from whs)
Displays the on hand quantity for the From warehouse associated with the Internal replenishment suggestion.
On order (from whs)
Displays the on order quantity for the From warehouse associated with the Internal replenishment suggestion.
Displays the purchase price on the suggestion line.
Supply qty rounding
This column displays the supply quantity rounding type that was retrieved from the setup when the Internal replenishment suggestion line was automatically created via the Create internal replenishment suggestions menu item. The supply quantity rounding type holds the rounding rules in percentage for pack size and/or pallets. The rounding rules in percentage determine if the automatically calculated suggested quantity should be rounded up or down to the closest number of packages and/or pallets, or if the packages and/or pallets are allowed to be incomplete. See Setting up rounding rules for pack size and/or pallets for more information.
Quantity in pallet
This column displays the quantity, in stock unit, that fits a default pallet, and is retrieved from the Item file maintenance, Warehouse management panel for the item/warehouse combination if it was defined there. The Supply quantity rounding type, holding the rounding rule for pallet rounding, (retrieved from the setup when the Internal replenishment suggestion line was automatically created via the Create internal replenishment suggestions menu item), will apply it against this pallet quantity for rounding. If the Supply quantity rounding type was not linked to the item/warehouse combination, the system will use the ‘pack size’ information for rounding if that information is defined, as follows:

  • The system will look for any Internal pack size entry for the item and warehouse combination (on the Item file maintenance, Inventory management panel, and round up to the next multiple of Internal pack size.
  • If the Internal pack size is not defined, the system will look for any Pack size entry for the item and supplier combination (on the Item file maintenance, Purchase prices, details panel), and round up to the next multiple of pack size.
  • If the Pack size is not defined, then the automatically calculated supply (suggested) quantity will not be rounded.

    See Setting up rounding rules for pack size and/or pallets for more information.

Work with internal repl suggestions, Line (DIR52104)

Related topics

Displays the internal replenishment suggestion line that you selected from the previous panel. You can edit certain information on the internal replenishment suggestion line here.

Function keys

Note: No function keys will be displayed when adding new suggestion lines.

Additional info This function key is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. View additional information about this internal replenishment suggestion line. When you are finished, click OK to return to this panel.
Delete Delete the line.
From warehouse
Displays the warehouse from which the goods for the selected internal replenishment suggestion are to be transported.
Available quantity
Displays the available quantity.
Suggestion number
Displays the number of the selected internal replenishment suggestion.
On hand (from whs)
Displays the on hand quantity for the From warehouse associated with the Internal replenishment suggestion.
Displays the system currency code, from the Currency table, of the selected internal replenishment suggestion.
On order (from whs)
Displays the on order quantity for the From warehouse associated with the Internal replenishment suggestion.

Line number
Displays the line number. If this internal replenishment suggestion line was created manually, you can change this field. When you create a manual suggestion line, the system assigns a line number based on the item/warehouse combination, in the suggestion line. The line sequence is item/warehouse combination. This line and the sequence can be overridden by entering a line number manually.
If a new entry, enter the item code for the item on this internal replenishment suggestion line. If an existing entry, this record cannot be changed.
Displays the warehouse in which this item is stored, and cannot be changed. If a new entry is being made, enter the warehouse into which the item is to be stored. Note: From/to warehouse cannot be the same.
Planning method
Displays a code indicating the planning method to be used when order proposals are created. This is defined in the Item file.

Valid codes are:

Suggested quantity
Displays the suggested quantity of this item/warehouse combination to purchase, but can be changed. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
Internal pack size
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays the internal pack size from the Item file, and cannot be changed.
Indicates the unit for the item. This value is defined on the Item file maintenance, System units panel.
Minimum order qty
Displays the minimum order quantity, in purchase unit, that is retrieved from the Item/purchase price file. If the suggested purchase quantity is lower than the minimum order quantity, it will be replaced by this value.
Maximum order qty
Displays the maximum order quantity, in purchase unit, that is retrieved from the Item/purchase price file. If the suggested purchase quantity is higher than the maximum order quantity, it will be replaced by this value.
Calc base purch qty
Displays the original calculated base purchase quantity. The EOQ, but not the pack size and the minimum order quantity, is included in the calculation of this value. This information can be useful if the suggested purchase quantity has been replaced by either the Minimum order quantity or the Maximum order quantity.
Supply qty rounding
Displays the Supply quantity rounding type that was retrieved from the setup when the internal replenishment suggestion line was automatically created via the Create internal replenishment suggestions menu item. The supply quantity rounding type holds the rounding rules in percentage for pack size and/or pallets. The rounding rules in percentage determine if the automatically calculated suggested quantity should be rounded up or down to the closest number of packages and/or pallets, or if the packages and/or pallets are allowed to be incomplete. See Setting up rounding rules for pack size and/or pallets for more information.
Supply plan
Only displayed if DC1 Supply Plan is installed and activated. Indicates if this is a supply plan item.
Quantity in pallet
This field is only displayed if Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the quantity, in stock unit, that fits a default pallet. This quantity is retrieved from the Item file maintenance, Warehouse management panel for the item and warehouse combination if it was defined there. The Supply quantity rounding type, holding the rounding rule for pallet rounding, (retrieved from the setup when the Internal replenishment suggestion line was automatically created via the Create internal replenishment suggestions menu item), will apply it against this pallet quantity for rounding. If the Supply quantity rounding type was not linked to the item/warehouse combination, the system will use the ‘pack size’ information for rounding if that information is defined, as follows:

  • The system will look for any Internal pack size entry for the item and warehouse combination (on the Item file maintenance, Inventory management panel, and round up to the next multiple of Internal pack size.
  • If the Internal pack size is not defined, the system will look for any Pack size entry for the item and supplier combination (on the Item file maintenance, Purchase prices, details panel), and round up to the next multiple of pack size.
  • If the Pack size is not defined, then the automatically calculated supply (suggested) quantity will not be rounded.

    See Setting up rounding rules for pack size and/or pallets for more information.

Cost price
Displays the cost price per stock unit in the system currency of this internal replenishment suggestion.
Line amount
Displays the total line amount in the currency of this internal replenishment suggestion, and cannot be changed.
Cost unit
The unit used to define the cost price.
Planning time
Displays the planning time.
Internal lead time
Displays the internal lead time at the From warehouse.
Transport time
Displays the internal transport time, that is, the time in number of working days that it takes to transport goods from-to the selected warehouse.
Available stock
Displays the available stock within the replenishment time, and cannot be changed. Available stock is calculated as follows:

Physical stock
+ Quantity of purchase order within the planning time
– Quantity on sales order within planning time
– Quantity on pick list
– Quantity on return to supplier)
+ Returns from customers (i.e. credit orders)
– Sum of all held quantities for batch controlled items with or without Date handling
– Sum of all expired quantities for batch controlled items with Date handling
– Sum of all quantities under incubation for batch controlled items with Date handling

= Available
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays the reorder point for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line, retrieved from the Item file.

When ROP has been manually overridden on the Inventory management panel in the Item file, an M (panel value controlled) will be displayed next to this field.
If a manually entered ROP on the Inventory management panel has been retrieved here, then it will be possible to update it here as well.
If it is changed on this panel, the corresponding value will be updated on the Inventory management panel in the Item file.
Note: The End override date for the manual ROP will not be updated on the Inventory management panel. It will remain as it was.

Minimum stock
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is not installed activated. Displays the lowest allowed stock level, retrieved from the Warehouse table.
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays the safety stock level for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line, retrieved from the Item file.

When SST has been manually overridden on the Inventory management panel in the Item file, an M (panel value controlled) will be displayed next to this field.
If a manually entered SST on the Inventory management panel has been retrieved here, then it will be possible to update it here as well.
If it is changed on this panel, the corresponding value will be updated on the Inventory management panel in the Item file.
Note: The End override date for the manual SST will not be updated on the Inventory management panel. It will remain as it was.

Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Displays the economic order quantity for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line, retrieved from the Item file.

When EOQ has been manually overridden on the Inventory management panel in the Item file, an M (panel value controlled) will be displayed next to this field.
If a manually entered EOQ on the Inventory management panel has been retrieved here, then it will be possible to update it here as well.
If it is changed on this panel, the corresponding value will be updated on the Inventory management panel in the Item file.
Note: The End override date for the manual EOQ will not be updated on the Inventory management panel. It will remain as it was.

Dispatch qty
Only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is not installed activated. Displays the recommended shipment quantity for internal supply, retrieved from the Warehouse file.

Work with internal repl suggestions, Line additional info (DIR52105)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. Additional inventory control information is displayed for the item/warehouse combination on this internal replenishment suggestion line. You cannot add, change or delete entries on this panel. To return to the previous panel, press Enter.

From warehouse
Displays the warehouse from which goods for the selected internal replenishment suggestion are to be transported.
Suggestion number
Displays the number of the selected internal replenishment suggestion.
Displays the system currency code of the selected internal replenishment suggestion, from the Currency table.
Displays the item code for the item on this internal replenishment suggestion line, and cannot be changed.
To warehouse
Displays the warehouse to which goods for the selected internal replenishment suggestion are to be transported.
Period demand -1, -2 and -3
Displays the period demand for the last three periods for this item/warehouse combination, from the Forecast file. If the unit is equal to the D/E-unit for the item, this quantity could display two units in the same quantity field. The partial units could be displayed with decimal positions for the Display/Entry unit or by a dual display/entry of both the Display/Entry unit and the Stock unit separated by a user-defined delimiter. See About display/entry unit handling for more information.
Quantity issued YTD
Displays the total quantity issued, year-to-date, from the Warehouse file.
Quantity issued LY
Displays the quantity issued from last year, from the Warehouse file.
Forecast period
Displays the forecast period in which this internal replenishment suggestion line was created.
Period forecast
Displays the period forecast for this item/warehouse combination, from the Forecast file.
Year forecast
Displays the year forecast for this item/warehouse combination, from the Item file.
Volume value code
Displays the volume value code for this item/warehouse combination, from the Item file.
Movability code
Displays the movability code for this item/warehouse, from the Item file.
Manually created
This field is set to YES if this internal replenishment suggestion line was manually created. It is set to NO if it was created via the Internal replenishment suggestion creation program.
Creation date
Displays the creation date for this internal replenishment suggestion line.
Expected arrival
Displays the expected arrival date for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line. (Expected arrival = creation date + lead time + transport time.)
Review always
Indicates if internal replenishment suggestion lines containing this item/warehouse combination should always be reviewed according to the review always criteria.
Review fr WHS avail
This field is set to YES if this suggestion line should be reviewed because the FROM warehouse has insufficient stock to replenish the TO warehouse.
Review calc error
Indicates if a calculation error occurred in this item/warehouse combination the last time the Inventory calculations program was executed. If it is set to YES, this line should be reviewed according to the calculation error criteria.
Review on order
Indicates if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the item/warehouse combination in the line appears on a internal replenishment order outside the replenishment time, including extra planning days.
Review on suggestion
Indicates if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the item/warehouse combination in the line appears on another internal replenishment suggestion.
Review max value
Indicates if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the line value for the item/warehouse combination on this internal replenishment suggestion line exceeds the line value limit set for this item/warehouse combination in the Purchase review control code table.
Review consumption
Indicates if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the suggested quantity on the internal replenishment suggestion line exceeds the number of days forecasted consumption limit. The limit for the number of consumption days for this item/warehouse combination is specified in the Purchase review control code table.
Review stockout
Indicates if this suggestion line should be reviewed because you have an expected stockout situation for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line for more than a specified number of days. The limit for the number of stockout days for this item/warehouse combination is specified in the Purchase review control code table.
Review min/max qty
Indicates if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed since the suggested quantity was lower than the minimum quantity or higher than the maximum quantity, and therefore has been updated with either one of these values. The minimum and/or maximum quantities are defined in the Item file.

Work with internal repl suggestions, Lines review codes (DIR52106)

Related topics

This panel is only displayed if DC1 Inventory Control is installed and activated. On this panel, select the review codes that you want to work with and press Enter. The purchase suggestion lines with the selection you make are displayed on the panel. By leaving the fields blank, you select to work with all lines.

Selected lines
Displays the number of selected lines where the applicable review code is set to YES. This field is for display only and cannot be changed.
Suggestion lines
Displays the number of suggested lines where the applicable review code is set to YES. This field is for display only and cannot be changed.
Review always
Select this code if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed according to the Always review criteria.
Review calc error
Select this code if this line should be reviewed according to the Calculation error criteria.
Review on order
Select this code if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the item/warehouse combination on the line appears in an internal replenishment order outside the replenishment time, including extra planning days.
Review on suggestion
Select this code if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the item/warehouse combination on the line appears in another internal replenishment suggestion.
Review max value
Select this code if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the line value for the item/warehouse combination on this internal replenishment suggestion line exceeds the line value limit set for this item/warehouse combination in the Purchase review control code table.
Review consumption
Select this code if this internal replenishment suggestion line should be reviewed because the suggested quantity on the internal replenishment suggestion line exceeds the number of days forecasted consumption limit.
Review stockout
Select this code if this suggestion line should be reviewed because you have an expected stockout situation for the item/warehouse combination in this internal replenishment suggestion line for more than a specified number of days.
Review fr WHS avail
Select this code if this suggestion line should be reviewed because the FROM warehouse has insufficient stock to replenish the TO warehouse.
Review min/max qty
Select this code if this suggestion line should be reviewed because the suggested quantity was lower than the minimum quantity or higher than the maximum quantity, and therefore has been updated with either one of these values. The minimum and/or maximum quantities are defined in the Item file.

Work with internal repl suggestions, Deletion (DIR52107)

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Work with internal repl suggestions, OK mark (DIR52110)

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Click OK to confirm that the lines selected are to be marked as OK.

Work with internal repl suggestions, Transfer (DIR52113)

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Click OK to confirm the lines that are selected to be transferred.