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Interface – transfer to DC1 Financials (GCFD8501)

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In this routine you do the transfer of G/L postings and A/R and A/P invoices created in different pre-systems. The selection is made on interface type from the Interface type table, which holds the rules for voucher type and voucher number setting, as well as the parameters which define which postings and/or invoices shall be transferred. Note that the transfer of transactions from DC1 Distribution shall not be handled in this routine, as there are specific transfer groups for that purpose in DC1 Distribution.

Three different transfer files are used when retrieving the invoices and G/L postings:

SROIBT Transfer file with G/L postings, both pure ones and postings belonging to invoices, which update the G/L.
SROKBA Transfer file with A/R invoices which update the A/R.
SROLBA Transfer file with A/P invoices which update the A/P.

The system will search in all three files, and transfer all invoices and postings that meet the requirements of the selected interface type(s). No cross-reference between the files is done to ensure that, e.g. the cost posting for an A/P invoice will automatically be transferred from SROIBT when the invoice is transferred from SROLBA. It is therefore very important that all the information for the transactions in the files is correct and complete.

Example: (step by step):

  1. An interface type for A/P invoices with G/L postings is selected for transfer, so the system will search for and transfer transactions from SROLBA and SROIBT. A journal is created in which all the transactions are put, and a journal number is retrieved from the journal number series JOU for the accounting year of the transactions.
  2. If the invoice journal contains errors, i.e. something is wrong with the transactions transferred from SROLBA, a message will inform you that the A/P invoice journal is in error and no update will be performed. An invoice control journal will also be printed, with details for all the errors found.
  3. The invoice journal may then be corrected in the journal maintenance routine. When all errors have been corrected, you try to update the journal to the A/P again. If corrected properly, a message will then inform you that no errors were found in the A/P invoice journal and update will proceed. An invoice update journal will also be printed, with details for the updated invoices.
  4. Once the A/P is updated, the system will try to update the G/L with the G/L postings from SROIBT. If the G/L journal contains errors, i.e. something is wrong with the transactions transferred from SROIBT, a message will inform you that the G/L journal is in error and no update will be performed. Note that it is the same journal as for the invoices. Error lists will also be printed with details for all the errors found.
  5. You correct the G/L journal in the journal maintenance routine. When all errors have been corrected, you try to update the journal to the G/L again. If corrected properly, a message will inform you that no errors were found in the G/L journal and update will proceed. A forced update may also be done, but only if there are no errors on the control account postings. The faulty postings will then be posted to the general error account.

When the G/L postings are updated to the G/L, the following reports will be printed, under the following circumstances:

The G/L is always updated directly when transactions are transferred from pre-systems.

Select the interface type for which postings and transactions shall be transferred. Then click OK.

To transfer several, select them all and click OK. They will be transferred together, and not one by one. You can, however, select to create one journal per interface type. Also, if transactions within one interface type belong to different accounting years, one journal per year will be created.

Interface – transfer to DC1 Financials (GCFD8503)

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This panel displays the interface types you have selected to transfer to the G/L in DC1 Financials.

Override acct period
If any of the transactions in the transfer files have accounting periods that are closed, a message will be displayed with details for the transactions. A valid accounting period must then be entered, which will override the accounting period(s) of all the transferred transactions. This override function can also be used if you want to change accounting periods that are valid, but nevertheless want all the transactions to be posted in another period. The system will check the period you enter according to the last closed period for the voucher type, as well as according to the valid range of entry periods defined in the G/L control file.
Override vou date
To override all the voucher dates for the transactions in the transfer files you can enter another voucher date.
Journal per intf tpe
Set this field to YES if one journal per selected interface type shall be created. If you set this field to NO, all A/R invoices from all selected interface types will be gathered into one journal, all A/P invoices will be in a second journal, and the pure G/L postings will be in a third journal. Note also that journals are always only within one accounting year, so if transactions from more than one year are transferred, one journal per year and type/group will be created.
Print transfer list
Set this field to YES if a transfer journal shall be printed.