- A/P bank files resending to O/C (FIFD4191)
- A/P extra payment information entry (FIFD3711)
- About OpusCapita and Analyste
- About the Finnish domestic account number format
- About the IBAN format
- Bank account validity checker (Finland) (FIGD8101)
- Business partner file enquiry, EPR tax information (FIGD5891)
- Business partner file maintenance, EPR tax information (FIGD5861)
- Clearing temporary VAT account postings (FIFD4601)
- Company business ID
- Curr. exchange rate retrieval from banks (FIFD4481)
- Curr. exchange rate retrieval from OC (FIFD4411)
- Dispatch label printout (FIDD0041)
- E-billing parameter table maintenance, Group details (FIGD5931)
- E-billing parameter table maintenance, Main groups (FIGD5911)
- E-billing parameter table maintenance, Sub groups (FIGD5921)
- Invoice transfer history reorganisation (FIDD0561)
- Net invoice transfer to DC1 Financials (FIFD6011)
- Net invoice transfer to DC1 Financials (FIFD6051)
- Remove from invoice transfer history log (FIDD0601)
- Submit XML creation job (FIDD0531)
- VAT declaration printout (Finland) (FIFR45401)
- VAT handling code conversion (FIGD5501)
- Withholding of tax at source
- Work with bank account validity rules (FIGD5011)
- Work with bank groups (Finland) (FIGD5101)
- Work with banks (FIGD52301)
- Work with FI interface table (FIGD5801)
- Work with invoice transfer history log, Invoice transfer batch information (FIDD05201)
- Work with invoice transfer history log, Invoices (FIDD05801)
- Work with invoice transfer history log, Orders (FIDD05901)
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- Finnish Functionality