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CAS numbers enquiry, Basic data, CAS number sequence (DIR76201)

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In this file you view the CAS numbers (Chemical Abstracts Service) of the substances handled within your company. The CAS number is unique for each substance or compound and is used as an international standard for quick identification.

Note: If the REACH function is activated in the Function control file you can toggle to view the CAS number records in EINECS, ELINCS and CAS Sequence. The panel heading changes accordingly.


R-phrases Select this option to view R-phrase attributes.
Text Select this option to view additional text for a CAS record.
Suppliers Only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Select this option to view excluded suppliers. These are the suppliers that do their own registration of the chemical substances purchased by you.
Items Select this option to view all items connected to the CAS number record.

Function keys

EINECS/ELINCS/CAS Sequence Only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Toggle to view the records in EINECS, ELINCS and CAS number sequence respectively. The field order on the panel changes accordingly.

Selection fields

CAS Number
This column lists the CAS numbers.
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, lists the EINECS identity for the records.
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, lists the ELINCS identity for the records.
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, is set to YES if the REACH report is to be printed for a CAS number. The REACH report from DC1 produces substance procurement quantity information when the reporting requirement on the substance has been activated.
Declaration required
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, is set to YES if the substance declaration with the Chemical Agency is required.
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, is set to YES if the substance is pre-registered with the Chemical Agency. This is for informational purposes only denoting that the substance will eventually be registered but the process of doing such is not finished. All chemical substances produced in/imported into the EU must be registered. Companies who have pre-registered the same substance belong to the same SIEF (Substance Information Exchange Forum).
This column, which is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file, is set to YES if the substance has already been registered with the Chemical Agency.
This column lists the description of the substance.

CAS numbers enquiry, Basic data, EINECS (DIR76204)

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This panel is displayed when you toggle the records according to EINECS sequence. The panel fields and their functioning is equivalent to the main CAS number panel.

CAS numbers enquiry, Basic data, ELINCS (DIR76207)

Related topics

This panel is displayed when you toggle the records according to ELINCS sequence. The panel fields and their functioning is equivalent to the main CAS number panel.

CAS numbers enquiry (DIR76210)

Related topics

This panel displays the detailed information about the substance.

Function keys

Display translations View information from the Table translation file. Displayed fields can be translated to any of the languages registered in the Language table.
CAS number
Displays up to six codes from the Work with MSDS tables.
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the substance should be printed on the REACH report. This printout allows you to check if substances are approaching the registration limit.
Reg qty KG/year
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the quantity for registration in kilograms per year. If the purchased/produced quantity of the substance reaches or exceeds this quantity, the substance must be reported to the Chemical Agency.
Declaration required
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the CAS number should be printed on the REACH report, Declaration only. This is the report that is submitted to the Chemical Agency.
Last declar date
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the last date before substance has to be registered.
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the substance has already been pre-registered with the Chemical Agency. This is for informational purposes only denoting that the substance will eventually be registered but the process of doing such is not yet finished. Note: Companies who have pre-registered the same substance belong to the same SIEF (Substance Information Exchange Forum).
Pre-regist date
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the pre-registration date.
Notice number
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the notice number given by the Chemical Agency when pre-registration announcement was received.
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if the substance has already been registered with the Chemical Agency.
Registration date
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the date when the registration was confirmed by the Chemical Agency.
Registration number
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the registration number for the substance confirmed by the Chemical Agency.
EINECS number
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the EINECS identity.
ELINCS number
This field is only displayed if the REACH function is activated in the Function control file. Displays the ELINCS identity.