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Work with transfer groups (GDMD13301)

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This panel is preloaded at installation with all the transfer groups to be used for transferring accounting transactions from DC1 Distribution to DC1 Financials. The entries are used to define voucher information.


Selection fields

This column lists the existing transfer groups.
This column lists the descriptions of the existing transfer groups.
Voucher type
Displays the voucher type that the accounting transactions in the corresponding transfer group will receive upon transfer to DC1 Financials.
Break level
Displays the break level defined for the corresponding voucher type.

Work with transfer groups (GDMD13304)

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This panel is preloaded at installation with all the transfer groups to be used for transferring accounting transactions from DC1 Distribution to DC1 Financials. The entries are used to define voucher information.

Function keys

Transfer group
Voucher type
Enter a voucher type from the Voucher type table that the accounting transactions in this group will receive upon transfer to DC1 Financials. The voucher type must be valid for routine DIS. The voucher type controls the voucher numbering via the voucher number series defined for the type.
Voucher break level
Enter one of the following voucher break levels:

Level code Description Voucher date handling
1 Enter 1 if you want all G/L postings within the same transfer group, year and journal to receive the same voucher number upon transfer to DC1 Financials. For level 1 the system uses the actual system date (today’s date) as voucher date for all postings.
2 Enter 2 if you want each transaction to have an individual voucher number given by the document number. Note: Level 2 is only valid for transfer group IN01. If this level is used, then the voucher number series and the invoice number series must overlap. For level 2 the system uses the document date per document as voucher date.

Work with transfer groups, Deletion (GDMD13308)

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