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  7. Configurator item enquiry (CFG227A)

Configurator item enquiry (CFG227A)

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This panel displays the items that are connected to a configurator parameter code. This is important if the configuration is to function.


Attribute values Select this option to view attribute values for a configurator item.
Text Select this option to view text that is connected to a configurator item.
Alt BOR Select this option to view alternative bill of routing constraints for a configurator item. Note: This option can only be used for a configurable parent item, i.e. when the configurator item refers to a bill of material.
Validation Select this option to view validation constraints for a configurator item. Note: This option can only be used for a configurable parent item, i.e. when the configurator item refers to a bill of material.
Alt selections Select this option to view alternative selection constraints for a configurator item. These will be used to identify and select the item when the bill of material is generated.
Standard items Select this option to view the standard items that have been created for a configurator item.

Function keys

Change mode Toggle between viewing All items / Configuration items (i.e., only those items connected to a bill of material will be displayed) / Selectable items (i.e., only those items without a connection to a bill of material will be displayed).

Selection fields
