Related topics
In this program you manually define the rules that should be used when the system checks the VAT transactions to be reported for a country. When a VAT transaction amount in the VAT box is not in accordance with the VAT box check rule, then the transaction is listed as an error transaction in the VAT declaration printout for that country.
Selection fields
- VAT prefix
- This column lists the ISO country codes, for which a VAT box check rule is defined.
- Seq no
- Displays the priority or sequence number of the related VAT box check rule which is specific to a country.
- Description
- This column lists the descriptions of the existing VAT box check rules.
- Active
- Displays the code for INACTIVE if the related VAT box check rule is not valid. If blank, then the related rule is valid.
- Calculation
- This column lists the formulas of the VAT box check rules.
Work with VAT box check rules (FSR64504)
On this panel you can define a new or change an existing VAT box check rule.
The following operators and signs can be used when defining a rule:
Operators/signs | Description |
= | Equal to |
< | Less than |
> | Greater than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
– | Minus |
+ | Plus |
* | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
% | Percentage. Must be preceded by the signs * or /. For example, (BBE01*%06) signifies 6 percent of Box 1. |
. | Decimal point. For example, (BBE01+6.5) signifies 6.5 added to Box 1. |
, | Comma used as Decimal point. For example, (BBE01+6,5) signifies 6.5 added to Box 1. |
() | Parenthesis. For example, (BBE01*%06.5)+(BBE02*%06.5)=(BBE10*%0.2). It is used to distinguish the separate calculations enclosed in a rule. Make sure it is started and ended properly. |
Function keys
- VAT prefix
- Enter the VAT prefix, which is the ISO country code, for which the VAT box check rule is valid.
- Sequence number
- Enter a unique number to identify the priority or sequence of the VAT box check rule.
- Description
- Enter the description of the VAT box check rule.
- Rule
- Enter the rule details.
- A rule is defined for a single country only. If the VAT prefix of the rule is BE, then the rule should only contain the boxes defined for BE in the VAT box description table.
- It is mandatory to use the XYYZZ representation, where X stands for Box, which is always B, YY stands for the VAT prefix, e.g. BE, and ZZ stands for the Box number, e.g. 01.
The sum of 6 percent of Box 1, 12 percent of Box 2 and 21 percent of Box 3 should be less than or equal to the value in Box 54 plus 62. This rule can be expressed as:
(BBE01*%06) + (BBE02*%12) + (BBE03*%21) <= BBE54 + 62 See section Operators and signs for more details.
- Active
- Indicate if you want to activate the VAT box check rule.
Work with VAT box check rules, Copy (FSR64505)
- VAT prefix
- Displays the VAT prefix of the existing rule you selected to copy.
- Seq no
- Displays the sequence number of the existing rule you selected to copy.
- New VAT prefix
- Enter the VAT prefix for the new rule.
- New seq no
- Enter the sequence number for the new rule.