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  7. Serialized tracking enquiry (DSR25501)

Serialized tracking enquiry (DSR25501)

Related topics

This enquiry displays all logged serialized tracking transactions. The serialized tracking ID is logged whenever a batch controlled item that is flagged for serialized tracking is received, dispatched or adjusted within stock (i.e. stock withdrawal or stock movement). From this initial panel you can drill down to view the reception, dispatch and inventory transactions and details for each.


Details Select this option view all transactions and subsequently drill down on the applicable transaction to view the details for the selected serialized tracking ID.
Receptions Select this option to access the Serialized tracking enquiry, Receptions panel where you can view the receptions logged for the selected serialized tracking ID.
Dispatches Select this option to access the Serialized tracking enquiry, Dispatches panel where you can view the dispatches logged for the selected serialized tracking ID.
Inventory transactions Select this option to access the Serialized tracking enquiry, Inventory transactions panel where you can view the inventory transactions logged for the selected serialized tracking ID.

Function keys

More selections Enter selection criteria to narrow down the transactions you want to view or work with.

Selection fields

Tracking ID
Displays the serialized tracking ID.
Displays the item code for the batch item.
Displays the batch ID.
Item description
Displays the item description.
Displays the warehouse code for the serialized tracked item.
Warehouse description
Displays the warehouse description.

Serialized tracking enquiry, Details (DSR25504)

Related topics

This panel displays the logged transaction details for the selected serialized tracking ID.

Tracking ID
Displays the serialized tracking ID.
Displays the item code and description.
Displays the batch ID for the serialized tracked item.
Expiry date
Displays the expiry date for the selected log entry.
Displays the warehouse for the serialized tracked item.
Physical warehouse
This field is only displayed if the STKOWNER (Stock Ownership) functionality is activated in the Function control file and is applicable for both the Stock ownership functionality as well as the Contract Managed Inventory functionality (if the DC1 Contract Managed Inventory (CMI) application is activated). Displays the physical warehouse for the serialized tracked item, to which the logical warehouse is connected.
This field is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the zone for the logged transaction.
This field is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the location for the logged transaction.
Displays the logged transaction quantity in stock unit.
Displays the logged stock unit.
Business partner
Displays the logged business partner code and description.
Displays the type of logged transaction, i.e. Reception, Dispatch or Inventory transaction.
Order number
Displays the logged order number.
Displays the logged order line number.
Transport note
This field is only displayed for logged transactions related to dispatches. Displays the transport note number for the logged transaction.
This field is only displayed for logged transactions related to dispatches. Displays the invoice number for the logged transaction.
Transaction type
This field is only displayed for manual inventory adjustment transactions. Displays the logged transaction type and description.
Receiving warehouse
This field is only applicable for inventory movements. Displays the receiving warehouse for the logged transaction.
Receiving zone
This field is only applicable for inventory movements and if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the receiving zone for the logged transaction.
Receiving location
This field is only applicable for inventory movements and if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the receiving location for the logged transaction.
NCC number
If the serialized tracking ID is for a non-conforming certificate, this field displays the NCC number.
Inventory contract
This field is only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory is activated. Displays the inventory contract to which this logged transaction is linked, if any.
Contract line
This field is only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory is activated. Displays the inventory contract line number to which this logged transaction is linked, if any.
Transaction date
Displays the date the transaction was logged.
Transaction time
Displays the time the transaction was logged.

Serialized tracking enquiry, All (DSR25505)

Related topics

The panel sub-title differs depending on what mode you selected to view, i.e. Receptions, Dispatches, Inventory transactions or all. This panel displays the logged transactions for the selected serialized tracking ID.

Tracking ID
Displays the serialized tracking ID.
Displays the item code and description for the batch item.
Displays the batch ID.
Displays the warehouse code for the serialized tracked item.


Function keys

Receptions/Dispatches/Inventory transactions/All Toggle between viewing the logged transactions for receptions only, or dispatches only, or inventory transactions only, or all logged transactions. The panel sub-title changes accordingly.
This column displays the date the transaction was logged.
This column displays the time the transaction was logged.
Business partner
This column displays the business partner code for the logged transaction.
This column displays the order number for the logged transaction.
This column displays the order line number for the logged transaction.
Trans type
This column is only applicable for manual inventory adjustment transactions and displays the logged transaction type.
This column displays the name of the business partner.
This column is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated and lists the zone for the logged transaction.
This field is only displayed if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated and lists the location for the logged transaction.
Receiving warehouse
This field is only applicable for inventory movements. Displays the receiving warehouse for the logged transaction.
Receiving zone
This field is only applicable for inventory movements and if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the receiving zone for the logged transaction.
Receiving location
This field is only applicable for inventory movements and if DC1 Warehouse Management is activated. Displays the receiving location for the logged transaction.
Transport note
This column is only applicable for dispatch log entries and displays the transport note number for the logged transaction.
Invoice number
This column is only applicable for dispatch log entries and displays the invoice number for the logged transaction.

Serialized tracking enquiry, More selections (DSR25508)

Related topics

Enter the applicable selections to narrow down the serialized tracking transactions you want to view or work with.

Function keys


  • Type of transaction
    Enter 1 (Reception), 2 (Picking), or 3 (Inventory transaction).
  • Business partner
  • Order number
  • Transport note
  • Invoice number
  • NCC number
  • Transaction type
  • Warehouse
  • Item
  • Batch
  • Inventory contract
    Only displayed if DC1 Contract Managed Inventory is activated.