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Work with receivers, Users/Roles (EDSD00701)

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On this panel you activate or deactivate receivers for events. This is done by adding a user to a particular role. Roles are created when several users should receive the same message for one particular event. This is helpful since you do not have to re-create the same criteria for each user in these situations.


Activate Select this option for a role or a user that you want to activate as a receiver.
Deactivate Select this option for an activated role or a user that you want to deactivate as a receiver.
Parameters Only valid for DC1-roles and BP-roles (Business partner related roles). Select this option to configure the parameters.

Function keys

Active/All In Role mode, toggle between viewing active roles and all roles. In User mode, toggle between viewing active users and all users. The panel sub-heading indicates the selected view mode.
Roles/Users Toggle between viewing users and roles. The panel sub-heading indicates the selected view mode.

Selection fields

This column lists either all existing roles, or all users from Work with signatures, depending on the view mode.
This column lists the descriptions of the receivers.
Indicates if the receiver is activated.