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In this program you define all the accounts that you want balanced automatically in the year end routine. You also define towards which account to post the contra balance. The accounts are divided into phases, and you can only update one phase at a time. The program does not check which phases have been updated for an accounting year.
Selection fields
- Phase
- This column lists the account phases that have been updated for an accounting year.
- Seq no
- Displays the sequence number of the account phase.
- Account parts (1-8)
- Displays the base accounts for the year end transactions together with the following definitions per phase and sequence:
- From account number
- To account number
- Account number mask
- Contra account number for the year end transaction balances
Work with year end accounts (FSR21604)
In this program you define all the accounts that you want balanced automatically in the year end routine. You also define towards which account to post the contra balance. The accounts are divided into phases, and you can only update one phase at a time. The program does not check which phases have been updated for an accounting year.
- Phase
- Mandatory entry. Enter the applicable account phase (values 1-9). You cannot change this value.
- Sequence
- Mandatory entry. Enter the sequence number for the selected phase. You can change this value in order to resequence, but the sequence in combination with the phase must be unique. The balances will be updated in the order of sequence number.
Base account
In the fields below you enter (for each applicable account part) the base accounts you want to balance when you create the year end transactions. Use the three columns to the right as follows:
- From account number
- To account number
- Account number mask
In each position of an account number you can enter a character which corresponds to the accounts you want to include in the range. For example, __1_ will include only those accounts which have a 1 in the third position of the account number. The positions not used for selections must be completed with underscores.
Contra account
In the fields below, you enter (for each applicable account part) the contra account for the year end transaction balances.
- Account number
- Enter the contra account number.
Work with year end accounts, Copy (FSR21605)
- Phase
- Displays the account phase(s) you selected to copy.
- Seq no
- Displays the sequence number of the account phase.
- New phase
- Enter a value to identify the new account phase you are creating.
- New sequence
- Enter a sequence number for the new account phase.