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Work with commodity codes (GDMD13501)

This panel is only relevant if the EU reporting function is activated.

The commodity codes are used for classifying the goods according to EU regulations. Every item shipped from one EU country to another must have a commodity code, which can be entered for every item in the Item file. The codes are printed on supplier and customer order documents, and updated in the EU statistics file. They must be printed on the INTRASTAT declarations.


Unit conversion Select this option for a commodity code with a reporting unit to maintain the conversion factor between the reporting unit and the sales/purchase units.

Selection fields

Commodity code
This column lists the commodity codes that exist in the system.

Displays YES if the commodity code is for goods. Displays NO if the commodity code is for service.
Displays the reporting unit, if entered for the commodity code.

Work with commodity codes (GDMD13504)

This panel is only relevant if the EU reporting function is activated.

On this panel you enter the details of the new commodity code you are creating or maintain an existing one.

Function keys

Commodity code

Reporting unit
Enter a reporting unit from the Unit table for the commodity code. For some commodity codes, the quantity of the shipment must be declared in a special reporting unit of measure, which is not the same as the sales unit of measure. A list of these codes is available at the local INTRASTAT administration.

Upon updating the EU statistics file, the unit specified in the sales/purchase order will be converted to this reporting unit using the conversion factor. The quantity will be rounded off to the number of decimals specified below.

Number of decimals
Enter the number of decimals allowed for the reporting unit quantities. You can use up to 3 decimals. This is the number of decimals the system will round off to and present on panels and printouts.
Weight mandatory
Indicate the status as checked, if it is mandatory to enter the code of weight, otherwise leave the field blank.

Mandatory entry. Set to YES if this commodity code is for goods. Set to NO if this commodity code is for service. If NO, then Method of delivery must be completed.
Method of delivery
If this commodity code is for service, then indicate the method of delivery. The following panel values apply:

Value Description
I Immediately (the service is supplied in a unique solution)
R Division of instalments (the service is supplied in several steps)

Work with commodity codes, Copy (GDMD13505)

Commodity code
Displays the commodity code(s) you selected to copy.

New commodity code
Enter the new commodity code that you are creating.

Work with commodity codes, Deletion (GDMD13508)