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This panel is used:
- When your customer wishes to use a direct method of payment for the goods. On this panel you enter the credit card or cheque details used by your customer to close the transaction.
- To display a summary of all amounts and fees.
For sales quotations and cash sales, no payments can be entered. Instead, the user can view a summary of all amounts and fees.
Note: If the terms of payment for the order is for instalments, the invoice will be settled with instalments and you will not be able to register any payments. If you want to pay this order by settlements, you have to change the terms of payment for the order on the Additional info 2 panel and then re-access this panel.
Note: If this panel has been accessed via the Work with Service order module, the title of this panel will read Work with service orders, Order settlements (DIR30901). In this mode, the panel indicates the amount that the customer has to pay for the service after deduction of internal charges.
Note: All amounts displayed in this panel are of the same transaction currency.
Function keys
M-pay | Access the Work with order settlements, Open payments (OSMD30101) panel. |
M-card | Click if multiple credit cards are used by, or defined for, this customer. You access the Work with order settlements, All credit cards (OSMD30201) panel. Note: This function key is only displayed if the Sales order type, used to enter the sales order with, has the Update A/R parameter set to YES. |
Auth | Process the credit card authorisation. To do so interactively, this functionality will only be available if the Posport option has been activated on the Additional products/Company activation (ASTD07501) panel in the System company control file.
If this is not the case, the credit card payment may be authorised manually over the telephone, using the Voice approval function key, in the panel that will be presented. Note: If the user does not have permission for credit card authorization, this function is not allowed. |
Details | View the order settlements at the detail level. Note: This function key is only displayed if the Sales order type, used to enter the sales order with, has the Update A/R parameter set to YES. |
Address | Access the sales order addresses. |
Header | Access the sales order header. |
- Customer
- Displays the customer code and description.
- Order or Quote val
- Indicates the total value of the order/quotation lines, after deduction of order header discount, and including VAT (if applicable). Free-of-charge order lines are not included.
Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.
Note: Only the display value will be truncated, the full amount will be correctly updated to the database.
- Order type
- Displays the order type for the order/quotation.
- Order number or Order/Job or Quote number
- For a sales order line, this field displays the sales order number.
For a service order line, this field displays the service order number or service job number.
For a sales quotation line, this field displays the quotation number and version number.
- Credit limit
- Displays the debtor’s credit limit (in system currency).
- Balance
- Indicates your customer’s total sales order balance (in system currency). Note: If the debtor is not your customer, then the value displayed in this field represents the debtor’s total balance and not the customer’s.
The total balance is calculated as follows:
+ A/R – A/P balance
+ Invoiced not transf
+ Open orders
– Received payments
= Total balanceSales orders created for Inventory contracts
Applicable for SCS-, WDS-, and WBS inventory contracts.
When an inventory contract is manually entered/linked on the Work with sales orders, Create new panel, and a credit profile was found in the Customer settings file, or the contract header, the total balance is calculated for:
- all orders with status less than 60 for this customer and assigned to the same contract
- all invoiced orders for this customer and assigned to the same contract which are waiting in transaction files (not transferred to Financial application)
as follows:
+ Open orders for inventory contract
+ Invoiced not transferred for inventory contract
= Total balanceIf no inventory contract is manually entered/linked on the Work with sales orders, Create new panel, or one is entered/linked but no credit profile was found in the Customer settings file, or the contract header, the total open sales order balance calculation differs depending on if the CR-CMIOO (Credit control, incl CMI in Oo) function is activated in the Function control file. If that function is activated, the balance will be totaled for all orders for the customer, including those with an inventory contract defined. If that function is not activated, sales orders for any inventory contract will be excluded from the total open sales order balance calculation.
This field is highlighted if the credit limit is exceeded. An authorised employee must then take necessary actions to release it for further processing.
Note: This field cannot display amounts greater than 9999999999,999. If the amount exceeds this value, then only the last 10 digits will be displayed.
Note: Only the displayed value will be truncated, the full amount will be correctly updated to the database.
- all orders with status less than 60 for this customer and assigned to the same contract
- Payment type
This field is only applicable for a non-credit card payments (in standard Enterprise). In order to distinguish between how much has been received in the form of cash, and how much has been received in the form of cheques, a value is entered in this field to identify the method of payment used in this transaction. Enter one of the following values.
Value Description CHK Cheque CSH Cash Note: These are panel values and represent the type of payment that has been received. Reports can be generated via the Print daily order settlement report routine (OSMD40501). This printout will detail the amounts that have been received in the form of cash or cheques.
Note: If Cheque is selected in this field and Payment status is 1 (expected), you will not be able to enter a value in the Cash register field.
Likewise, if Payment status is 2 (received) and payment type is cash or cheque, you must enter a value in the Cash register field.
- Cash register
From this field, a selection is made from the Cash register codes table, in cases where sales have been settled in the form of cheque or cash payments. This is to indicate that the payment has been received.
Note: If cheque is selected in the Payment type field and the Payment status is set to 1 (expected), then this field should be left blank. Likewise, if Payment status is set to 2 (received) and Payment type is cash or cheque, then a selection must be made for this field.
- Amount
Enter the amount that is being paid by either cash or cheque.
- Cheque no
Enter the number of the cheque that the customer issued to make the payment with.
- Card
Enter a code from the Credit card table indicating the type of card used in this transaction.
- Payment status
Enter a value in this field to indicate the status of the Cash or Cheque payment. These statuses control the release of the order, accounts receivable payment creation and determine if the payment will be printed on the invoice document. Note: You can manually set a status to either 1 or 2. Only the system can change the payment to status 3.
Value Description 1 Payment is expected.
The order will be held until the payment is received, i.e. status upgraded to 2 or 3.2 Payment has been received.
This payment will be printed on the invoice but will not be subtracted from the amount due until it has been posted to Account Receivable in DC1 Financials, i.e. upgraded to status 3.3 Payment has been posted to Account Receivable in DC1 Financials.
This payment will be printed on the invoice and subtracted from the amount due.
- Card number
Enter a valid credit card that has been defined for this customer in the Business partner maintenance, Credit card file (GDMD01601) panel.
Note: If the user does not have permission for credit card maintenance and credit card authorization, entry in this field is not allowed.
- Card amount
Enter the amount that will be paid for by credit card.
- CCV number
Enter three digit credit card verification number from the back of credit card. Note: If the user does not have permission for credit card maintenance and credit card authorization, entry in this field is not allowed.
- Valid from/Exp date
Enter the valid from date and the expiry date of the credit card.
- Holder/Addr
Enter the name of the credit card holder. This is the name of the person that the credit card is issued to. Note: A value is defaulted to this field from the Business partner file maintenance, Credit card file (GDMD01604) panel if the data entered in the Card number field is registered in the Business partner file.
- Postal code
Enter the postal code pertaining to the credit card holder.
- Auth/Exp date
This field displays the date until which the authorisation on this credit card remains valid. The period of validity differs for each card type. This field’s value is determined automatically, at the time of authorisation.
This information is defaulted from the sales order header.
Note: All amounts displayed in this panel are of the same transaction currency.
- Order lines tot
- Displays the total net value of the sales order, including discounts; but excluding taxes, surcharges or any additional charges.
- Fee total
- Displays the total fees that have been calculated for this order. If they are preliminary, (which pertain to administration, invoice and freight fees), an asterisk (*) will be displayed to the right of this Fee total field if the following is true. This gives you the possibility to more accurately estimate the total order value already at order entry. See View preliminary sales order related fees for more information.
For Administration/Invoice fees:
- A fee was not manually entered on the order header
- The order header status is below 30
- The invoice total for the order is lower than any order value limit defined in the Adm fee limit and/or Invoice fee limit field in the Customer file or Currency table
- The fee has not been applied on any invoice for the order.
For Freight fees:
- The user did not manually enter a freight fee in the Freight field (or change an automatically retrieved preliminary freight fee) on the order header
- The order header status is below 40.
To change any of the fee amounts, click the Details function key.
- Estimated surcharges
- Displays the estimated value of the surcharges that will be added to the sales order. Note: This is an estimate since the goods have not been shipped. It is, therefore, not possible to determine the exact cost of the packaging used.
- Estimated tax/VAT
- Displays the estimated tax/VAT. This does not include the amount of tax/VAT that will be calculated for the packaging used for shipping the goods. Note: This is an estimate since the goods have not been shipped. It is, therefore, not possible to determine the exact cost of the packaging used.
Note: For service orders: The value in this field may change when the service order is closed if time transactions are added on or if debit codes are changed. This would affect both the internal charges and what the customer will pay. A debit code on a service order line indicates that the value of the line will be charged internally and not invoiced to the customer.
- Time transactions
- This field is only displayed on the Work with service orders, Order settlements panel. All time transactions that do not have a debit code and have not been transferred to service order lines are added (summarised) to the value in this field.
Note: For service orders: The value in this field may change when the service order is closed if time transactions are added on or if debit codes are changed. This would affect both the internal charges and what the customer will pay. A debit code on a service order line indicates that the value of the line will be charged internally and not invoiced to the customer.
Note: Time transactions and Deductions can only appear for service orders. Time transactions represent the value of reported working time for the service order that has not yet been booked for the order. This occurs at Service order close. Deductions represent the value of all order lines on the order that have been marked with a debit code, which will be booked as internal costs at Service order close.
- Deductions
- This field, which is only displayed on the Work with service orders, Order settlements panel, displays the value of all the service order lines that have been marked with a debit code, (i.e. internally charged). All time transactions that have a debit code and have not been transferred to service order lines are also added to the value in this field. Note: A debit code on a service order line indicates that the value of the line will be charged internally and not invoiced to the customer.
Note: For service orders: The value in this field may change when the service order is closed if time transactions are added on or if debit codes are changed. This would affect both the internal charges and what the customer will pay.
- Coin adjustment
- Displays the sum of the Coin adjustment and Cash discount fields, specified on the Order settlements, Details (DIR30902) panel. Note: Coin adjustments is a part of the currency handling function. This allows you to round off the invoice amount for certain currencies. For example if the invoice amount is 12,97 SEK (Swedish Crowns) and the SEK currency in the Currency table indicates rounding to the nearest Crown, then the invoice will be rounded to 13 SEK.
- Invoice total
- Displays the invoice total for open order lines for this order. To this amount, any previously invoiced amount is added and carried over to the Tot invoice this ord field. This is the difference between the amount that is paid and the open order lines total that is printed on the invoice before any deduction of payments specified in the right column on this panel.
The value of this field is calculated as follows:
+ Order line total
+ Fee total
+ Estimated surcharges
+ Estimated Tax/VAT
+ Time transactions (only for service orders)
+ Deductions (only for service orders)
+/- Coin adjustment
= Invoice totalNote: Time transactions and Deductions can only appear for service orders. Time transactions represent the value of reported working time for the service order that has not yet been booked for the order. This occurs at Service order close. Deductions represent the value of all order lines on the order that have been marked with a debit code, which will be booked as internal costs at Service order close.
Note: The value of Invoice total is adjusted according to the currency rounding rules for the invoice amount i.e. the Adjust inv amount parameter in the Currency table.
Note: For service orders: The value in this field may change when the service order is closed if time transactions are added on or if debit codes are changed. This would affect both the internal charges and what the customer will pay.
- Tot invoice this ord
- The balance from Invoice total in the bottom left hand column is carried over to this field. Displays the invoice total for this order including any previously invoiced amount which has been added.
- Expected payments
- Displays the total payment that is due to be received. The order will be held until the payment is received. For example, if a cheque has been sent as payment by mail.
- Received payments
- Displays the amount that has been received. This payment will be printed on the invoice. For example, if the order has been paid in cash at counter sale.
- Posted paym/credits
- Displays the total amount for payments that have been posted to Accounts Receivable in DC1 Financials. This payment will be printed on the invoice and subtracted from the amount due. For example, if a credit note for the debtor in Accounts Receivable in DC1 Financials has been settled as partial or full payment for the order. It could also be a pre-paid amount or advanced payment.
Note: If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field then this indicates that the A/R payment has been entered but has not yet been posted to the General Ledger in DC1 Financials.
- Credit card
- Displays the amount that has been paid for by credit card.
- Invoice amount due
- Displays the invoice amount due that will be printed on the invoice. The value of this field is calculated as follows:
+ Invoice total
– Expected payments
– Received payments
– Posted payments/Credits
– Credit card
= Invoice amount due
Work with sales orders, Order settlements, Summary details or Work with service orders, Order settlements, Summary details (DIR30902)
From this panel additional charges can be viewed and added to the sales/service order.
Function keys
Time trans | Toggle time transaction information. Note: This button is only available for service orders. |
Surcharges | Toggle between viewing surcharge information and deductions, and click OK. Note: This button is only available for service orders. |
- Freight
- If the FREICALC (Freight fee calculation) function is activated in the Function control file, a freight fee could be automatically calculated by the system depending on how the system was set up, (i.e. based on the weight of the goods or a fee per package regardless of the weight), and retrieved to this field.
Automatically calculated/retrieved:
During sales order line entry, any automatically calculated freight fee will be retrieved and is considered a preliminary freight fee. This is denoted with an asterisk (*) to the right of the fee amount and is based on the current order value. The preliminary freight fee will also be displayed in this field as well as in the Sales order enquiry if the following is true:- The user did not manually enter a freight fee in the equivalent field in the maintenance program (or change an automatically retrieved preliminary freight fee)
- The order header status is below 40.
Freight fee calculation for the real fee is performed at pick list confirmation.
Manual entry or change:
You can manually add a freight fee in this field or change an automatically retrieved preliminary freight fee. No freight fee calculation for the real fee will be performed at pick list confirmation. This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.For back order lines:
If the FREICALC (Freight fee calculation) function is activated in the Function control file, and the order generates back orders in the system, the value in the Fee limit back order field (in the DIS control file, or overridden in the Customer file) determines if an additional freight fee calculation will take place for back order lines. The system could have been set up to prevent an additional freight fee calculation for back order lines during pick list confirmation.
When a pick list is confirmed and the order includes previously invoiced order lines (i.e. any other line on the order has status 60), the total weight for confirmed lines is compared to the value in the Fee limit back order field. The result is as follows:
- If the Fee limit back order field does not contain any value in any of the above-mentioned locations a freight fee calculation will be performed for all back order lines.
- If a value is defined in the Fee limit back order field in any of the above-mentioned locations the freight fee calculation will only take place if the total weight of the remaining order lines is greater than this value.
During any freight fee calculation, the system will search for a freight fee that could be based on a freight fee per package or weight limit. If found, that freight fee will be added to any additional invoice containing the back order lines.
- Insurance
- Enter the fee for insurance. If the order generates back orders in the system, the insurance fee will only be charged on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
- Insurance %
- If the Calculate insurance field on this panel is set to YES, a percentage can automatically be retrieved from the Insurance table and displayed here. The field can be changed as long as the Calculate insurance field on this panel is set to YES. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
Since the insurance percentage can depend on the Manner of transport code and the Terms of delivery code, which is determined in the Insurance table, the percentage can be changed if you change these codes on this panel.
The insurance value is calculated on the invoices as:
Insurance % * total of the order lines / 100 If the Calculate insurance field on this panel is set to NO, this field must be blank. In addition, if the Insurance field on this panel is completed, this field must also be blank.
- Calculate insurance
- Indicates if insurance is to be calculated when invoices are printed. The value is retrieved from the Customer file. If there is a record in the Insurance table that matches the Manner of transport and/or the Terms of delivery and/or the Customer number on this sales order, a percentage will be retrieved from the Insurance table and displayed in field Insurance % on this panel. The insurance value is calculated on the invoices as:
Insurance % * total of the order lines / 100
- Postage
- Enter the postage fee. If the order generates back orders in the system, the postage fee will only be invoiced on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
- Administration fee
- Enter the administration fee. If the order generates back orders in the system, the administration fee will only be invoiced on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
- Invoice fee
- Enter the fee for the invoicing. If the order generates back orders in the system, the fee will only be invoiced on the first invoice sent to the customer. Note: This fee can also be defined when confirming the pick list.
- Estimated surcharges
- Displays the estimated value of the surcharges that will be added to the sales order. Note: This is an estimate, since the goods have not been shipped. It is, therefore, not possible to determine the exact cost of the packaging used.
- Estimated tax/VAT
- Displays the estimated tax/VAT. This does not include the amount of tax/VAT that will be calculated for the packaging used for shipping the goods.
- Expected payments
- Displays the total payment that is due to be received. The order will be held until the payment is received. For example, if a cheque has been sent as payment by mail.
- Received payments
- Displays the amount that has been received. This payment will be printed on the invoice. For example, if the order has been paid in cash at counter sale.
- Posted paym/credits
- Displays the total amount for payments that have been posted to Accounts Receivable in DC1 Financials. This payment will be printed on the invoice and subtracted from the amount due. For example, if a credit note for the debtor in Accounts Receivable in DC1 Financials has been settled as partial or full payment for the order. It could also be a pre-paid amount or advanced payment.
Note: If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field then this indicates that the A/R payment has been entered but has not yet been posted to the General Ledger in DC1 Financials.
- Credit card
- Displays the amount that has been paid for by credit card.
- Cash discount 1 days
- Displays the number of days within which payment must be made if the cash discount percentage for Cash discount 1 shall be valid. Extra cash days can be defined for each debtor or supplier in the Business partner file, which will allow payment to be made later, but the cash discount conditions will still apply.
Note: This value is controlled by the Terms of payment parameter in the Business Partner file maintenance, A/R basic data (GDMD0071) panel. The Term of payment that is attributed to the customer must specify a Cash discount 1 days. Note: The terms of payment are defined in the Terms of payment table.
- Cash discount 1 %
- Displays the percentage applicable for Cash discount 1. Note: This value is controlled by the Terms of payment parameter in the Business partner file maintenance, A/R basic data (GDMD0071) panel. The Term of payment that is attributed to the customer must specify a Cash discount 1 %. Note: The terms of payment are defined in the Terms of payment table.
- Cash discount 2 days
- Displays the number of days within which payment must be made if the cash discount percentage for Cash discount 2 % shall be valid. Extra cash days can be defined for each debtor or supplier in the Business partner file, which will allow payment to be made later, but the cash discount conditions will still apply.
Note: This value is controlled by the Terms of payment parameter in the Business partner file maintenance, A/R basic data (GDMD0071) panel. The Term of payment that is attributed to the customer must specify a Cash discount 2 days. Note: The terms of payment are defined in the Terms of payment table.
- Cash discount 2 %
- Displays the percentage applicable for Cash discount 2. Note: This value is controlled by the Terms of payment parameter in the Business partner file maintenance, A/R basic data (GDMD0071) panel. The Term of payment that is attributed to the customer must specify a Cash discount 2 %. Note: The terms of payment are defined in the Terms of payment table.
- Coin adjustment
- Displays the sum of the Coin adjustment and Cash discount fields, specified on the Order settlements, Details (DIR30902) panel. Note: Coin adjustments is a part of the currency handling function. This allows you to round off the invoice amount for certain currencies. For example if the invoice amount is 12.97 SEK (Swedish Crowns) and the SEK currency in the Currency table indicates rounding to the nearest Crown, then the invoice will be rounded to 13 SEK.
- Surch
- Below this heading the various types of surcharges that have been calculated for the order are displayed. Note: Values are only displayed if surcharge handling has been specified for the item(s) via the Item file maintenance, Units (DMR00803) panel and the order type has been defined for Surcharge handling in Sales order type maintenance on the Order header, main info panel.
- Price/percent
- Below this heading the price/percent surcharge applicable to the item are displayed.
- Per
- Below this heading the surcharges that are applicable per item are displayed.
- Amount
- Below this heading the total surcharge amounts are displayed.