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Work with data queue routines (ASTD18001)

From this panel you can add, change, copy, delete and display records in the data queue routine attributes file. You can also perform actions against an existing routine by using available options, such as start or end jobs within the routine.


Note: It is not possible to delete a record if the administration job and/or a transaction job is active within the routine. Existing administration- and transaction data queues will be included in the deletion.

Active jobs Only applicable if you are working in a 5250 or JWalk environment. Select this option to work with active jobs (the Work with Active Jobs panel).
Check job Select this option to check the number of jobs in the transaction data queue.
Start routine Select this option to start the data queue jobs.
End routine Select this option to stop the data queue jobs.
Start additional jobs Select this option to start more jobs. The number of jobs cannot exceed the maximum number of jobs.
End jobs Select this option to stop one or more jobs. The number of active jobs cannot be less than initial number of jobs.

Selection fields

Routine ID
Displays the routine identity.
Displays the description of the routine.
Displays the application code the routine belongs to.
This field is set to YES if the programs in this routine are started when the first user signs on to the company.
Displays Active if the job that administrates the routine is active, otherwise nothing is displayed.
Displays if the transaction jobs are active, otherwise nothing is displayed.

Work with data queue routines (ASTD18004)

This panel can be accessed in Add, maintain and display mode.

On this panel you enter the detail information for the data queue. All fields are mandatory but not all fields are validated.

Click OK when you have completed all the information.

Routine ID
This field can only be maintained in Add mode. Enter the name of the routine.
Enter the code of the application the routine belongs to.
Automatic start
Set this field to YES if you want the routine to be started when the first user logs on to the company. The application the routine belongs to must be installed and activated for the company.
Admin program
Enter the name of the administrating program for the routine. This program controls the attribute file and number of records in the transaction data queue. It starts and ends additional jobs.
Load bal interval
Enter the number of seconds that the administrating program waits until checking the transaction jobs again.
Admin data queue
Enter the name of the data queue used by the administrating program.
Enter the description of the administration data queue.
Maximum entry length
Enter the maximum length of the entry that is sent to the administration data queue. Permitted values range from 1 to 64512.
Prestart program
Enter the program that should be called before the transaction program is started. This field is optional but validated if completed.
Trans program
Enter the name of the transaction program, i.e. the data queue reader.
Trans data queue
Enter the name of the data queue that is used by the transaction program.
Enter the description of the data queue.
Maximum entry length
Enter the maximum length of the entry that is sent to the transaction data queue. Permitted values range from 1 to 64512.
Initial no of jobs
Enter the initial number of jobs that are started when a data queue routine is started. This is also the minimum number of transaction jobs that are active within a routine.
Threshold (records)
Enter the value that is used to specify when additional transaction jobs are started. When the number of records in the transaction data queue is greater than or equal to this value, additional number of jobs will be started by the administrating program. The value in this field must be greater than zero.
Max number of jobs
Enter the number of jobs that at the most can be active at the same time. The value of this field must be greater that or equal to the value in the Initial no of jobs field.
Additional no of jobs
Enter the number of additional jobs that can be started, when the number of records in the transaction data queue exceeds or equals the number defined in the Threshold (records) field. The value of this field must be less than the number of jobs specified in the Max number of jobs field.

Work with data queue routines, Copy (ASTD18005)

Routine ID
Displays the name of the routine you are copying.

New routine ID
Enter the name of the new routine.

Work with data queue routines, Deletion (ASTD18008)

Start additional number of jobs (ASTD18011)

In this window you can start more jobs. The number of jobs cannot exceed the maximum number of jobs.

Number to start
Enter the number of additional number of jobs to start.

End routine (ASTD18012)

In this window you can end all data queue jobs within the routine.

Check job (ASTD18013)

In this window you can check the number of jobs in the transaction queue.

Number of records
Displays the number of records in the transaction data queue.