On this panel you choose which Window Definition Options you want to work with.
Select | Three different Window Definition Options are available:
- Window
- Displays the selected window.
- Subset
- Displays the subset of the window.
Specify file + main definitions (WNDD1202)
On this panel you define which file should appear in the window and the size and position of the window when it is displayed on the panel.
- Subset
- Displays the name of the subset to which the existing window belongs.
- Application
- Identity
- PTF/Mod number
- Change date
- File
- Enter the name of the file for which you want to create a window. The file must be a keyed physical or logical file with a unique key.
- Library
- Enter the name of a library or *LIBL for a library list where the file exists.
Override with:
In the fields below you have the option to override the original file and library with another file, library and member. The field names in the window will be retrieved from the original file and library, but the information displayed in the window will come from the overriding file, library and member.
- File
- Enter the name of the overriding file. If you want to use the original file but from a different library, enter *FILE.
- Library
- Enter the name of a library or *LIBL for a library list or *CURLIB for the current library.
- Member
- Enter the name of the member in the specified file that you want to use, or enter *FIRST to indicate that the first member is to be used, or *LAST to use the last member. Enter *ALL to select all members.
- Window type
- Enter the window type to be used:
Code Description *FULL if you want the window to take up almost the whole panel. If you choose this type, you must leave the Window position field blank. *HRS if you want the window to be horizontal. If you choose this type, you must enter window position *UP, *DWN or *AUTO. *VRT if you want the window to be be vertical. If you choose this type, you must enter window position *RHT, *LFT or *AUTO.
- Window position
- Enter the window position on the panel:
Code Description *UP if you want the window to be placed in the top part of the panel. This value is only valid for horizontal windows. *DWN if you want the window to be placed in the bottom part of the panel. This value is only valid for horizontal windows. *LFT if you want the window to be placed in the left part of the panel. This value is only valid for vertical windows. *RHT if you want the window to be placed in the right part of the panel. This value is only valid for vertical windows. *AUTO if you want the window to be placed in the opposite part of the panel from where the cursor was placed before the window was displayed. This value is not valid for full size windows.
- Lowercase key
- Set this field to YES if you only want lowercase letters when you enter text in the Key field in the window.
- Window description
- Enter a description of the window.
Select and sequence fields (WNDD1203)
On this panel you select which fields in the file should appear in the window and in which sequence they should be displayed.
Function keys
Renumber | Renumber the fields by increments of 10 (10, 20, 30, and so on). |
Select all | Select all fields. |
- Seq
- Enter a sequence number (0-999) for all fields that you want to appear in the window. A maximum of 25 fields can be selected. After you click OK the field names are rearranged in the sequence you specified.
- Ret seq
- Enter sequence number of the field that should be returned to the input field when you select a record in the window.
- Field
- Displays the field name.
- Text
- Displays the description of the field.
- Key
- Displays a numeric value if the field is a key.
- Len
- Displays the number of positions for each field.
- Dec
- Displays the number of decimal positions for each field, if the field is a numeric field.
Update column heading and edit codes (WNDD1205)
On this panel you enter a column heading and possibly an edit code for the fields that you want to appear in the window.
- Field
- Displays the field name.
- Column spacing
- If you want to change the column spacing for a field, enter a number from 0 through 99 to indicate the number of additional spaces you want to appear after that field’s column. Otherwise, one blank is put in front of all the columns in the window except the first one.
- Column headings
- Enter the column heading for each of the fields that you want to appear in the window.
- Transl code
- You can choose to display the description field in the relevant user language, assuming the relevant field in the system file has previously been translated. Valid codes are 1 through 99999.
Code Window 1 Menu option descriptions (window SRBMOP) 2 Enquiry program descriptions (windows SRBCTLRK, SR1CTLRK) 3 Table maintenance program descriptions (window SRBCTLS5) 4 Table printout program description (window SRBCTLS2) 101 CMC option descriptions (window SRBCSWO) 102 CMC sub-option alias (windows SRBCSWSO and SRBCSWSO1) 991 Boolean field 992 Date field 993 Time field 994 Number field
- Edit
- Enter the character that identifies the edit code that you want used to edit the values in the fields that are to appear in the window. Edit codes can only be used for numeric fields.
Edit code Print commas Negative symbol Blank value I value J value 1 YES None .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 2 YES None Blanks Blanks Blanks 3 NO None .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 4 NO None Blanks Blanks Blanks A YES CR .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 B YES CR Blanks Blanks Blanks C NO CR .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 D NO CR Blanks Blanks Blanks J YES – .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 K YES – Blanks Blanks Blanks L NO – .00 or 0 ,00 or 0 0,00 or 0 M NO – Blanks Blanks Blanks Z NO None Blanks Blanks Blanks
- Len
- Displays the number of positions for each field.
- Dec
- Displays the number of decimal positions for each field, if the field is a numeric field.
Exit this window definition (WNDD1209)
On this panel you decide whether or not you want to save the window definition.
Function keys
Define the window | Return to the panel for defining windows. |
- Save definitions
- Indicate if this window definition is to be saved.
- Window
- Displays the name of the window.
- Subset
- Displays the subset to which the window belongs.