Note: The panel title differs depending on what you chose to do (i.e. activate or deactivate).
This panel prompts when you attempt to attach or detach a characteristic in the Work with item classification profiles file for a profile 1 or profile 2 and the profile in question is being used by an item that has been generated via Item classification. Click OK to proceed. The selected characteristic will be attached to or detached from the applicable profile and all connected items.
- Item classification profile 1
- This field is displayed if you prompted this panel by attempting to attach/detach a characteristic from the profile 1. The name of this field depends on what has been set up in the DIS control keys file for the Item related key that was chosen to represent the Item classification profile 1 entity (defined in the DIS control file). Displays the selected profile 1 code for which the characteristic is to be attached or detached.
- Item classification profile 2
- This field is displayed if you prompted this panel by attempting to attach/detach a characteristic from the profile 2. The name of this field depends on what has been set up in the DIS control keys file for the Item related key that was chosen to represent the Item classification profile 2 entity (defined in the DIS control file). Displays the selected profile 2 code for which the characteristic is to be attached or detached.
- Characteristic
- Displays the selected characteristic that you want to attach or detach.