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Work with requests and returns texts (HLR02501)

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On this panel you can work with texts for the request line or the request header. The texts are either request texts, which explain the nature of the request that has been reported, or resolution texts, which explain the actions that have been taken (or will be taken) to rectify the matter.

The texts are also referred to as internal or external texts. Internal texts are mainly used as an aid for those who deal with and resolve the requests reported by your business partners, whereas external texts are used as notations to be viewed by a business partner. You may, however, choose to print internal text on the Request report to be sent to business partners.

Note: Using SECUR, you can define whether the Change and Delete options should be available for a specific user. If the Delete optoin is not available, the Delete function key is not valid.


Function keys

Request/Resolution Toggle between viewing request or resolution texts, or both.
Internal/External Toggle between viewing internal or external texts, or both.
Deleted This function is only valid if the Delete option is available. Toggle between viewing deleted or active texts.

Indicates if this is an internal or external text.
Indicates if this is a request or a resolution text.
Creation time
Displays a date and time indicating when the text was created.
Change time
Displays a date and time indicating when the text was changed.
Maintained by
Displays the name of the person who created or changed the text.

Work with requests and returns texts, Deletion (HLR02508)

Related topics

Select text type (HLR02521)

Related topics

On this panel you define what type and category the new text will be. The texts must be defined as either request texts, which explain the nature of the request that has been reported, or resolution texts, which explain the actions that have been taken (or will be taken) to rectify the matter.

The texts are also referred to as internal or external texts. Internal texts are mainly used as an aid for those who deal with and resolve the requests reported by your business partners, whereas external texts are used as notations to be viewed by a business partner. You may, however, choose to print internal text on the Request report to be sent to business partners.

Click OK to confirm the text type selection.

Request text/Int
Indicate if the new text should be an internal request text.
Request text/Ext
Indicate if the new text should be an external request text.
Resolution text/Int
Indicate if the new text should be an internal resolution text.
Resolution text/Ext
Indicate if the new text should be an external resolution text.