Related topics
The entries in this program are used in the sales order and quotation routines, and when the Batch order hold is run. A credit stop code controls if you are allowed to sell to a customer with a certain credit stop code, if the sales order is to be held, and if the terms of payment code is to be changed. A text message or an alert can also be sent to the message handler during order entry if the customer exceeds their credit limit.
Message handlers | Select this option to work with handlers who should receive messages from the credit check program. |
Selection fields
- Code
- This column lists the credit stop codes that exist in the system.
Work with credit stop codes (GDMD15204)
The entries in this program are used in the sales order and quotation routines, and when the Batch order hold is run. A credit stop code controls if you are allowed to sell to a customer with a certain credit stop code, if the sales order is to be held, and if the terms of payment code is to be changed. A text message or an alert can also be sent during order entry if the customer exceeds their credit limit.
On this panel you set up new or change existing credit stop codes.
Function keys
Translate description or Display description translation |
Either translate the credit stop code description or view the already translated description in the Table translation file. |
Translate warning text or Display warning text translation |
Either translate the warning text defined for the credit stop code or view the already translated text in the Table translation file. |
- Credit stop code
- Description
The text can be translated into any language registered in the Language table.
- Hold order
- Indicate if sales orders are to be held automatically, i.e. Hold order and Credit hold fields on the Order header panel in Work with sales orders are set to YES or NO. If set to YES, then all orders placed by a customer defined with this credit stop code will be held independent of credit limit.
- Maintain sales allow
- Indicate if you should be allowed to maintain sales orders entered for a customer defined with this credit stop code. If you set this field to NO, then the message entered in the Warning text field on this panel, will be displayed at sales order and quotation entry, and you will not be able to maintain orders for this customer.
- Sales allowed
- Indicate if sales are allowed at all, to customers defined with this credit stop code. If you set this field to NO, then the message entered in Warning text field on this panel, will be displayed at sales order and quotation entry, and you will not be able to continue the entry.
- Terms of payment
- Enter a code from the Terms of payment table if you want this code to be set automatically on the sales order/quotation. If you leave the field blank, then the terms of payment will be retrieved from the Business partner file for the customer, as usual.
Note: The terms of payment entered in this field will only be retrieved once, i.e. when the sales order is first created. If you change the terms of payment manually on the sales order header, then the sales order will keep this manually entered terms of payment code.
- Write log
- Indicate if you want the system to create a log record for any credit check action that is taken for a customer defined with this credit stop code.
Order header action
The actions you specify in this section are considered when the credit check is done when the handler exits the order entry routine.
- Limit
- Indicate the type of action that should be performed on order header level when the customer’s credit limit is exceeded.
- Overdue
- Indicate the type of action that should be performed on order header level when the customer has overdue payments/invoice amounts.
Order lines action
The actions you specify in this section are considered when the credit check is done for every sales order line entered.
- Limit
- Indicate the type of action that should be done on order line level when the customer’s credit limit is exceeded.
- Overdue
- Indicate the type of action that should be performed on order line level when the customer has overdue payments/invoice amounts.
Pick list action
The actions you specify in this section are considered when the credit check is done when the handler prints a pick list for an order.
- Limit
- Indicate the type of action that should be performed on pick list level when the customer’s credit limit is exceeded.
Note: The action code 1 (Warning message) will have no effect and the system will behave as for the action code 0 (No action) during pick list printout.
- Overdue
- Indicate the type of action that should be performed on pick list level when the customer has overdue payments/invoice amounts.
Note: The action code 1 (Warning message) will have no effect and the system will behave as for the action code 0 (No action) during pick list printout.
- Warning text
- Enter the text that should be displayed when a warning is issued during sales order or quotation entry. The text can be translated into any language registered in the Language table.
Work with credit stop codes, Copy (GDMR15205)
- Code
- Displays the credit stop code you selected to copy.
- New code
- Enter a code to identify the new credit stop code you are creating.
Work with credit stop codes, Deletion (GDMD15208)
Note: A credit stop code that is being used cannot be deleted.