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MFG control file maintenance (SYS900C)

Entries entered in this file are used to control many transactions, in the way of definitions and limitations, and are also retrieved from here to many other locations within the system. The information in this file can be updated.

In this program the default parameters for creating a new pull planning proposal or updating an existing proposal are defined.

Manufacturing order

M-order number serie
Enter the number series to be used for automatic numbering of manufacturing orders.
M-order type
Enter a default manufacturing order type. The entered order type is used as a default value when manufacturing orders are created. This system default value can be overridden if a manufacturing order type is entered on user level.
Main whs mtrl alloc
Indicate how included materials for a manufacturing order should be reserved. If this field is set to YES, the material will be reserved in the warehouse that has been entered in the Allocation warehouse field in the bill of material. If this field is blank the reservation will be done in the component’s main warehouse defined in the Item file. If set to NO, the reservation will be made in the warehouse to which the end item will be delivered.
M-ord w c price type
Enter a code indicating the manufacturing order work centre price type to be used in the system. The manufacturing order work centre price type controls what price field (standard or actual) should be retrieved from the Work centre file during manufacturing order pre-calculation and back-reporting of manufacturing order operations.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Standard
2 Actual
Auto create M-order
Indicate if creation of manufacturing orders at sales order entry for non-stock items should be made.
Workload view
Enter a code indicating the default view mode that the workload enquiry should have at the start.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Week
2 Date
Barcode on M-order
Indicate if bar code should be printed on the manufacturing order’s material and operation cards.
Type of barcode
This field is only mandatory if the Barcode on M-order field is set to YES. Enter the type of bar code that should be produced.

Valid types are:

Type Description
1 Code 39
2 2/5 int
3 EAN13

Note: If the bar code should be printed on material and operation cards the bar code type EAN cannot be used.

Re-usable material
Indicate if it should be possible to define material as re-usable. If this field is set to YES, you will be able to maintain the Re-usable field in the bill of material. If set to NO, that field will not be displayed.

The indication is used at operation reporting when scrapped quantity is reported. At operation reporting, the system suggests that scrapped material defined as re-usable be returned to stock. The user can decide if and how many re-usable scrapped materials should be put to stock.

Chk crit order maint
Only displayed if the DC1 Manufacturing finite planning functionality is activated in Work with companies. Indicate if the manufacturing order should be re-scheduled at the order creation if there is a shortage for critical resources:

  • If this field is set to YES, the completion date of the manufacturing order might differ from the selected date.
  • If this field is set to NO, the planned manufacturing order dates will remain unchanged even if there is a shortage for critical resorces. Note: The manufacturing orders can be re-scheduled at a later stage through a batch job.
Group order no serie
Only displayed if the DC1 Manufacturing group order functionality is activated in Work with companies. Enter the number series used for automatic numbering of manufacturing group orders.
Batch number serie
This optional field is only used for batch controlled items for which the batch mask set-up uses the attribute %SER%. Enter the number series used to create batch numbers for manufactured items.
Reporting unit
Indicate the default reporting unit for operation reporting, material issue and order reception. See Structure unit handling for more information.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Stock unit
2 Structure unit
Direct pur to m-order
Indicate if the manufacturing order could create a direct purchase for included materials. If this field is set to YES, you will be able to create a purchase order connected to a manufacturing order material line. In addition, you will be allowed to use fictitious items in the structure. When the manufacturing order is created and the order type is set up to allow direct purchase, a purchase order is created for components (of item class 2 or 4) when no stock is available and for fictitious items.
Default start time
This optional field is only displayed if the MPL-TIME (Plan operation by date/time) function is activated in the Function control file. Enter the default start time in the HH:MM format that will be used as a default time when creating manufacturing order with forward scheduling. Note: The default start time cannot be greater than 24, less than 0 and the decimal(minutes) should not be greater than 59.
Default compl time
This optional field is only displayed if the MPL-TIME (Plan operation by date/time) function is activated in the Function control file. Enter the completion time in the HH:MM format that will be used as a default time when creating manufacturing order withbackward scheduling. Note: The default compl time cannot be greater than 24, less than 0 and the decimal(minutes) should not be greater than 59.
Note: The default start time cannot be greater than default compl time.

Subcontr operations

Purchase order type
Enter the default purchase order type to be used when purchase orders are created from manufacturing order sub-contract operations. This default can be changed at the creation of purchase orders. Note: The order type must be defined without stock updating.
Pur order descr type
Enter a code indicating what description should be created on the purchase order line for sub-contract operations.

Valid codes are:

Code Description
1 Operation description
2 Manufacturing order’s parent item description
Always new pur order
Indicate if a new purchase order should be created for each sub-contract operation line or if one purchase order should be created for all released sub-contract operations for one supplier.