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On this panel you can maintain alternative bill of routings for a configured item. For each alternative bill of routing you can enter constraints defining when the bill of routing will be selected:
- Selection constraints, based on the quantity on the order line, can be defined for each routing code using the Test and Quantity fields.
- Additional selection constraints, based on the attributes for the configurator item, can be defined for each routing code using the Additional selections option.
Additional selections | Select this option to define additional selection constraints and click OK. Note: This option is only displayed in change mode. |
- Item
- Warehouse
- Parameter
- Seq no
- The sequence number that is registered in intervals of 10 indicates the order of the operations in the alternative bill of routing.
- Bill of routing
- The code that identifies the alternative bill of routing.
- Test
- This code in combination with Quantity, is used to define the conditions that allow usage of this alternative bill of routing. The bill of routing will only be used if the order quantity meets the defined conditions. The code indicates what test operand is to be used when comparing the order quantity with that defined for this alternative bill of routing in Quantity.
Code Description EQ Equal GE Greater or equal GT Greater than LE Less or equal LT Less than Note: If this field is left blank order quantity will not be included in the comparison at the selection of alternative bill of routings.
- Quantity
- The value to be compared with the order quantity. This quantity, in combination with the test operand defined in Test, defines the conditions for when this alternative bill of routing should be used.
- Additional selections
- Indicates if additional selection constraints have been defined for this alternative bill of routing.