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Work with resolution codes, Action sequence (HLR00301)

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On this panel all of the actions associated with the selected resolution code are displayed.


Function keys

Renumber Renumber the action sequences in ascending order. The actions with the lowest number will be connected to the line first. Each action with a sequence number will be added in order from first to last.

Selection fields

Resolution code

Enter the sequence number. Each number must be unique. The actions with the lowest number will be connected to the line first. Each action with a sequence number will be added in order from first to last.
The action associated with the resolution.

Work with resolution codes, Action sequence (HLR00304)

Related topics

On this panel you view the action at the detail level. Only one of the following sections (processes) is valid per action:

  • Stock handling
  • Creation of order
  • Return document
  • Alert


Aut process
Displays YES denoting that the action will be processed automatically. Displays NO if the action will be manually processed.
Ref required
Displays YES denoting that a reference is associated to this action. Displays NO to indicate that a reference is not mandatory.

Note: A reference is just text (comments or other information) that the employee processing the action can enter.

Line depend
This field is set to YES if a connection between two (or more) request and return lines is established, or NO if the connection has not been established. Line dependency means that the associating action must be connected to a request line. The action will not be performed unless the request line has been processed. This ensures that the system processes all request lines in the correct sequence before an action is called to resolve them. For example: In the case of a wrong item having been delivered to your customer, your customer must have returned the goods to your company before a replacement order is sent FOC. Since the "wrong" item and the replacement are defined on separate request and return lines, a connection between the two lines must be established.
Action dep
This field is set to YES if a connection between two (or more) request actions has been established, or NO if the connection has not been established. Action dependency means that the associating action must be connected to a request line. The action will not be performed unless the action on the request line has been processed. This ensures that the system processes all request actions in the correct sequence before another action is called to resolve them.

Stock handling

The fields below this heading define how the stock is to be processed by the action.

Rest goods
Displays YES indicating that the system automatically creates inventory transactions to restock goods that have been returned by your customer. Displays NO if these transactions are manually entered.
QC line entr
Displays YES indicating that a quality control inspection of the goods must be made at the time that the return line is entered. The system will automatically bring up the QC program once the action is processed the system. Displays NO indicating that the QC will be performed upon reception of the goods.
QC use note
Quality control inspections can be made in two different ways: The first is to specify that a quality control inspection of the returned goods must be made when the return line is entered (see the QC line entry field). The second way would be to run the QC routine once the goods have been returned. If this field is set to YES a quality control note must be printed. If set to NO, one will not be printed.

Creation of order

The fields below this heading define how the action processes sales orders.

Order type
This field is used in conjunction with the Type of order field. Displays the order type to be used when this action automatically processes sales, service, or purchase orders.
Type of ord
This field is used in conjunction with the Order type field. Displays the order type that this action will automatically process.

Permitted values:

Displays how you wish the price of your goods to be defined.

Permitted values:

Refund % usa
The price on an order line can be affected by a refund percentage. For example:

Note: Refund percentage is only applicable to sales and purchase orders. The actual amount of the refund percentage is defined as a Default refund percentage in the Action table or manually at the request line level. The refunds will only be applied to orders that are generated by this action. These orders are defined in the Order type field.

Permitted values:

Value Description
1 Refund % not allowed
2 Refund % optional
3 Refund % mandatory
Def refund %
Displays the refund % amount.
Use curr cl

If this field is set to YES, the New curr clause and Use adjusted price fields must be set to NO. A currency clause will be added to the order that is generated by this action.

Note: The currency clause will be added even if it is not valid or applicable to the new order, i.e. the date has expired or it applies to a different currency. To ensure that a valid currency clause is used, set this field to NO and the New curr clause field to YES.

If this field is set to NO, the Curr clause field in the order header will be set to NO, and the result would be that the system will not adjust the sales prices according to exchange rate fluctuations.

New curr cl

Indicates if a new currency clause, used for recalculating the sales prices, should be automatically retrieved by the system (from the Currency clause code table) for the order that the action is creating.

If this field is set to YES, the system will search for a valid currency clause that matches all of the above stated prerequisites, the currency clause code will then be retrieved to the order line and the prices will be adjusted accordingly. In addition, if this field is set to YES, the Use curr clause and Use adjusted price fields must be set to NO.

Use adj prc
Indicates if the new sales price, that is recalculated according to the currency clause, will replace the original sales order line price.

Return document

The fields below this heading define how the return documents are to be processed by the action.

Return note
This field is set to YES if this action should create and print a return note. The return note is sent back to the business partner together with the goods.
Transp note
This field is set to YES if this action should create and print a transport note. The transport note is sent back to the business partner together with the goods.
This field is set to YES if this action should create and print an investigation note. The investigation note is used to investigate availability, etc. of the ordered and delivered item. Miscellaneous information from the reference and the request is printed on the note.
This field is set to YES if this action should create and print labels.


The fields below this heading define how the alert messaging is set up for the action.

Send alert
This field is set to YES if an alert message is sent to an employee (defined in the Receiver field) when this action is executed. It is set to NO if this option is not used.
Approval req
This field is set to YES if approval is required before the next action can be processed. It is set to NO if authorisation is not needed.
Displays the id of the employee that will receive the alert.
Displays a text message.